Native American Indian Summary - many thanks
At the same time, vaccination rates among AIAN people have been higher than average to date. This brief presents available data on COVID vaccinations among AIAN people from federal and state sources and discusses factors contributing to success in these vaccination efforts. It finds: Underlying inequities that existed prior to the pandemic contribute to AIAN people facing increased barriers to accessing health care and being disproportionately affected by the COVID pandemic. State data similarly find higher vaccination rates among AIAN people compared to other groups. The high vaccination rate among AIAN people largely reflects Tribal leadership in implementing vaccine prioritization and distribution strategies that meet the preferences and needs of their communities. The high rates may also, in part, reflect the greater supply of vaccine doses delivered to the IHS relative to the number of people served compared to state vaccination programs. Tribes have supported and built on existing trusted community resources and providers to distribute vaccines. The success Tribes have achieved in vaccinating their communities provide lessons learned that may help inform broader vaccination efforts going forward. The IHS is the primary vehicle through which the federal government fulfills this responsibility for members of federally recognized tribes, who make up approximately 2. Native American Indian SummaryHave: Native American Indian Summary
Native American Indian Summary | 229 |
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Native American Indian Summary to the federal government at that time, reservations were to be created in order to protect the Indians from increasing Smmary of White Americans moving to the West. There are differing explanations as to why this act was instituted, one of which is that Indians' control of land and natural resources around the country was regarded as a serious potential threat to average independent Americans' expansionary and economic goals.
Another explanation is that due to the country's fixed amount of land, the previously unrestricted presence of the Natives' living under different tribal laws but outside the jurisdiction of American Law began to unintentionally, but naturally, conflict legally with the growing number of Americans settling on more and more lands.

This quickly posed a potentially dangerous security and insurance concern for many enterprising Americans, and the federal government, responsible for protecting its own citizens, was expected to respond with a solution not known before and departing from that Nativd practiced by the British Empire. Thus, the federal government, on such exigency and on Americans' long-standing sentiments regarding the Indians, passed the Indian Appropriations Act ofplacing Native Americans on reservations given there were no other lands available for another forced relocation.

As a consequence, conflict in the Great Plains region was aggravated when settlers began to move into the final remaining land and Native Americans had no place in which to be relocated. However, under a section in this original act, those who entered these unassigned lands illegally, before their respective racing times as designated in the President's opening proclamation, would be denied the rights to the lands they claimed. These Native American Indian Summary were termed "Sooners," with this section of the act being termed as the "sooner clause. Thus, later inan amendment to the Indian Appropriations Act allowed President Benjamin Harrison to be involved in this historical bill as well, proclaiming unassigned lands were open for settlement under much less stringent rules.]
Full bad taste
Very amusing piece
Unequivocally, a prompt reply :)
What amusing topic