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LOWER CASE ESSAYS 13 hours ago · "My journey taught me to live life consciously. To be aware of how I live and how I treat others. I choose to be kind and helpful. I choose not to let negativity change me. I believe love is a powerful healing energy and that it is important to maintain this energy in my heart. Love conquers, forgives, thrives and is light. Love will lead the way.". 2 days ago · Featured The journey to find or construct the real Jesus. Peril or silver lining?? Peril or silver lining?? Discussion in ' General Religious Debates ' started by firedragon, . 4 days ago · Sixty-plus years ago, I started my 12 years of Catholic education. I remained a Roman Catholic for a number of years, but I felt I only had a religion, not a relationship. I started a journey of.
My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey 486

My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey - sorry, that

This story provokes thought and provides focus to deepen your quest for your knowledge, understanding and wisdom about yourself and spirituality. Explore her observations, learnings and tools to identify spiritual gifts and integrate them into your spiritual path to joy, abundance and positive actions. Empower yourself and be open to receiving the power and beauty that comes from embarking on your journey. It can help you discover who you are and enable clarity, happiness and inner peace. It can clear your path to discover your purpose in life and how you may shine your light to help others. Go deep within to connect with your soul. Accept who you are. My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey.

My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey Video

Things I’ve Learned On My “Religious” Journey - Most Of Miree

This is the year And that's based on the birth of Jesus.

Although if the correct birth year of Jesus is to be pursued, it should be as many confess, This shows one thing, and that is how much of importance this man, or man God Religikus vested upon him. Finding the real Jesus is not a path that suddenly emerged in the 20th century. Rather, since probably the beginning of all of this.

My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey

As you all know there were many writings neglected as apocrypha in the Nag Hamadi findings. Oh the writings about Jesus are huge. Yet, who is the real Jesus?

Does the writing of Josephus that passingly mentions Jesus, the brother of James, they called the Messiah signify that there indeed was at least a man people had called the Messiah? Well, how about the well known forged advertisement for Jesus in Josephus and his antiquities when someone tried to insert the miracle worker attribute to Jesus?

In order to construct the Jesus they want into history, did not these people actually cause harm by casting doubt when people found out that it was all false? Some scholars Eyewitness Essay believe Jesus Relugion: as the majority of them do, do believe that it is My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey human creativity to try and construct the real life of Jesus Christ based on the theological writings. Vis a Vis, the New Testament.

Can We Pray For You?

Some stories like the Pericope Adultarae which is a known interpolation into the Gospel of John have been the point of scrutiny for many theologians Bathroom Observation apologists in their effort to make it a true story. Whoever inserted it first, may have taken this story from someone like Eusebius who mentions a woman of sin in a so called gospel hebrews that Papias spoke of in the early 2nd century. But this person tried this insertion too late. And some evangelical apologists use this as an argument.

Then you get an argument about the protogospel of James where some people like like W. Petersen argue the Pericope Adultarae existed due to a phrase Its not good enough and puts them as "hook or crook attempts".

When people make such arguments to try and make a latter insertion valid it puts the authenticity at huge peril. Critical scholars take the words of Josephus associating James with Jesus who they called the Messiah as the only historically available statement.

My Journey Of Religion: My Religious Journey

Which has prompted some scholars like the unorthodox muslim Reza Aslan to take the approach of consulting many many scholars, their works, the recorded history of the Romans, the setting of the time and place and plug Jesus into that in order to figure out a Jesus that is historical.

Now this Jesus would obviously contradict the Jesus of Christian Theology or as a matter of fact, any Jesus of any theology. Jesus is known today by most Religon: a carpenter. Was he? Tekton as anyone knows does not mean carpenter unless you add "wood" into the word. A Tekton of stone would be a go here worker.]

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