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Order NOW The Significance of Merging the Real with Magical Elements Magical realism is used in the three novels as a way of making the reader look at the world with the eyes of other people.

Magical Realism In Japanese Literature

It entails the use of outstanding literary skills by the authors to portray what looks ordinary as extraordinary and make what seems unusual appear to be commonplace. In using magical realism, the writers have painted pictures of events that people may easily relate themselves to because Magical Realism In Japanese Literature issues that the novels depict through the prism of magical realism are the things that happen to many people in every society.

The fusion of reality and magic aims at giving life to the fiction and fiction to the life that the author blends so that the readers can get into the Essays Microscopy of fantasy created by their imagination while at the same time remaining in the real world in the process of reading the story, being simultaneously within and without.

Magical Realism In Japanese Literature

In literature, merging reality and magic is important because it puts the readers in a position to relate themselves to the world filled with the magical events while at the same time remaining in the real world, and follow events that occur in this fantasy world, understanding, however, that these indeed occur in normal human lives as well. This is to say, magical realism Litwrature the use of a fictional world full of imaginary characters to tell the stories relating to real existence.

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The interesting aspect of magical realism is that the reality and the magic are so much intertwined that the reader may not be able to distinguish one from another, thereby getting them so much involved Magical Realism In Japanese Literature the magical life that they start noticing and understanding the aspects of reality within the story that they read. In the three books, the authors use the magical realism technique to bring the readers to the world that they hardly understand but can easily Rfalism to based on the different regular occurrences that are put forward in the stories and do not cause inconvenience while reading. In the book One Hundred Years of Solitude, Realsm author applies this literary Litsrature to guide the readers to the place called Macondo, the vivid description of which put forward by the author looks so realistic and makes Macondo a real place in the mind of the reader. Yet, they can neither establish the exact geographic location of this place nor its physical layout, thus not letting them lose track of what reality is and encouraging them to ponder over why the author creates it in their Magical Realism In Japanese Literature Marquez Once the reader is in this place, all the occurrences that they get to encounter happening in this context and it is impossible to get out of there because it seems that real that the characters are here, all the occurrences happen to the one who is reading too, everything can be smelt, tasted, felt, and touched.

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First order only: One of the major events forming the background of the story is the period of colonialism in the Dominican Republic that led to brutality meted out to the local citizens by the colonial masters Diaz In this same spirit, the author also gives hope to the reader that all these miseries and suffering can still be brought to an end through some changes. In this context, the author the concept of Fuku and Zafa to represent the causes of evil and the ways to undo the bad respectively.

Magical Realism In Japanese Literature

Fuku is seen as the major cause of evil and bad activities that make people suffer in society. These include colonialism, corruption, and brutality as depicted by the police and the general wave of violence that is witnessed in the country.

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel García Márquez

In the novel, the author creates Fuku in the minds of the readers and relates it to the real occurrences reflecting what is happening the society indeed. The reader there, fore considers Fuku as a negative matter that leads to bad luck. On the other hand, Zafa is seen as the only hope source that is there for the Ih to escape from suffering.]

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