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Limited Effect Theory Of Mass Communication

Limited Effect Theory Of Mass Communication Video

Media Effect Theory

Share on Tumblr 1. They are stories about how and why events occur. Kurt Lewin defines theory as a way of explaining the ordering and occurrence of various events. It can also be defined as a set of systematic generalizations based on scientific observation and leading to further empirical observation.

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Severin and Tankard Jnr. Students should be able to identify a theory that goes along with specific research studies in order to develop a theoretical framework for such. A Scientific Criteria Intellectual Rigour: — Every theory is a product of careful analysis and giving great attention to details. This process ensures that they are testable, verifiable or systematic.

Limited Effect Theory Of Mass Communication

Dynamism: — Theories are subject to change; they are seldom constant because they can be modified or completely repudiated when new facts emerge. Predictive power: Theories enable us to go here predictions but those predictions are rarely ever realized with exactitude. Theory is step behind reality.

Economy: A good theory explains many cases with a few statements and with few exceptions, if any. Explanatory Power: ability of a theory to be used to explain a puzzling phenomenon Internal Consistency: There should be no contradiction in the process. The processes involved should agree with one another. Heuristic Potential: Should help to see a new thing or new things; or should be useful for solving problems. Practical Utility. Theories have usefulness to reality. Capacity for Limited Effect Theory Of Mass Communication reforms. Ability to carry out useful reforms and changes in the society. The changes are mostly socio-economic in nature. Theories help to manage realities.

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Kurt Lewin says that theories enable us to put facts in perspective, and to predict what will happen, even before the events we are theorising about get completed. According to Kaplan, a theory enables us to make sense out of a disturbing situation. Detectives Police formulate a theory to unravel a case, say murder case. We also study theories in order to derive intellectual satisfaction. The process includes: Conceptualisation: This is the definition of the subject of inquiry. You may call it a topic of research.

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Operationalisation: This involves translation of general concepts into specific variables and specification of the procedure adopted in research. From problem statement to generalisation Observation: This is the careful study observation of the specified variables from available data, using any modes of research. Analysis: This involves extracting meaning from the facts observed.

Limited Effect Theory Of Mass Communication

This must be done objectively. Testing: Here, the results of analysis are Communicatkon to test the hypothesis or research questions raised in a study. Generalisation: The findings from the test are used to make some generalisations, regarding the subject of inquiry. Theory: Theories are formulated from the generalisation made as a result of our analysis and testing.

Limited Effect Theory Of Mass Communication

Law: Theory eventually leads to law after it has been repeatedly tested without being disproved or substantially modified. Laws are difficult to come by in social sciences because we study human organisation and behaviour, which are capricious. From the foregoing it can be seen that theory and research are closely linked. Both theory and research may be seen as two sides of the same coin.]

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