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Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay

Labeling Is Good Or Good?

Hire Writer This could ultimately lead to the creation of deviant sub-cultures. Malinowski describes how a youth killed himself when he had become publically accused of incest. However, on further investigation, Malinowski found that incest was not uncommon on the island and as long as Laheling was kept discreet, was not a problem. He found that if an incestuous affair became to the public, the islanders reacted with abuse, the offenders were ostracised and often driven to suicide.

Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay

However, Liazos criticizes the labelling theorists Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay simply exploring marginally deviant activities, by doing so, they are reinforcing the idea Labelijg pimps, prostitutes and mentally ill people as being deviant. Even by claiming to speak for the underdog, labelling theorists hardly present any challenge for the status quo. Labelling theory alerts us to the way in which the whole area of the crime depends upon social constructions of reality, law creation, law enforcement and the identities of the rule breakers are thrown into question. British Sociologist, Leslie Wilkins showed how the response to deviance, instead of just by the individual, but by agencies such as the police and the media, can actually generate an increase in deviance.

This was known as Deviancy Amplification. Wilkins stated that when acts are defined as deviant, the deviants become stigmatized and cut off from mainstream society.

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They become aware that they are regarded as deviants and, as a consequence of this awareness, they become more isolated and even result in developing their own subcultures, which further confirms and strengthens them in their deviance. One example of this was provided Deviancf Jock Young, who used this concept in his study of drug use in North London. Read more resulted in isolating Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay into a drug subculture, causing wide public concern over the new drug subculture, therefore only encouraged the police to intensify their clampdown on drug users further, which only served to accelerate the spiral of this amplification process.

However, Marxist writers argue what are the conditions under which some groups succeed and others fail and that labelling theorist fails to answers this.

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Additionally, Gouldner further criticizes labelling theorists with a Marxist argument, for the failure to provide any real challenge to the status quo. He argued that all they did in their studies was to criticize doctors, psychiatrists and police officers for their role in labelling but failed to ever look beyond this at more powerful groups who benefit from this focus on marginal groups.

Additionally, one of the areas in which labelling theory has been most productive is in its analysis of mental illness and its treatment. Labelling theorists present a serious challenge to conventional approaches in two ways. First, they claim that Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay illness is a label that is applied to the behaviour of certain people in certain circumstances.

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Secondly, the very concept of mental Labwling is socially constructed. What is considered to be bizarre or unexplainable behaviour varies according to circumstance? Labelling stresses the socially created nature of mental illness and the contribution others make to the acquirement of symptoms of illness that occur after the labelling has taken place.

Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay

The labelling approach has been criticizing for ignoring the reality of mental illness and for failing to appreciate the very real conditions which lead certain groups to have high rates of mental illness. Often mental illness derives from a lack of material resources and meaningful relationships, which results in feelings of worthlessness and despair.

Mental illness does not hit the population randomly, but us far more likely to strike the poor than the affluent; females rather than males and blacks rather than whites.]

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