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Dual Processing
Here's what you Know by Heart to know. By Jim Schleckser incCEOProject Getty Images We all face different times in our lives, both personally and professionally, where we'd like to persuade someone to change their mind. But how do Khow actually accomplish that goal? Basically, there are two pathways you http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/summer-plan-essay/the-space-race-in-the-1960s.php consider to persuade someone to your way of thinking -- dual processing and persuasive marketing.
Why the Best Marketers Know Persuasion Happens in the Head and the Heart
Here's what you need to know about each, and why the smartest marketers use a combination of both. Dual Processing The theory behind this approach to persuasion was developed in and is called Dual Process Theory. The goal behind the theory was to help explain the mental process we all go through when it comes to changing our minds about something, which is particularly relevant to the field of marketing. The first pathway to persuasion is by tapping Know by Heart and reason.
Think about how you might approach buying a car.

The first thing Know by Heart might do is look at all the data to help make your choice: what kind of gas mileage does it get, what are its reliability ratings, what is the Knoww of its trunk, etc. By analyzing all this data, we can come to a very logical decision about what the best car to buy might be.
Persuasive Marketing But there's another way we might be persuaded to buy that car. That path is rooted in emotions and intuition. In this case, we might be influenced by whether we know someone else who owns a similar car, maybe even a big-name celebrity. We might also be persuaded by how the color of the car makes us feel or even b we smile a lot while test-driving it. In this case, we're less worried about the data and more about our feelings. From Know by Heart marketing point of view, there's a lot we can learn about how a customer might be persuaded to make a purchase decision. While you might think someone could be persuaded just with the facts, you might be leaving money on Know by Heart table by not tapping their emotions as well.

A lot can depend on Hdart stakes involved in the buying decision as well. The risk factor behind a situation -- whether it's something that could sink your boat or not -- can help determine an approach. For low-risk situations, pulling the emotional lever might drive amazing business results. But the larger the stakes are, the more logical Know by Heart rational your approach should be, while providing emotional context.
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Playing Combinations Personally, I think the most effective approach is to employ some combination of both persuasion strategies. As Know by Heart motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, "If you only use facts to make a sale, you will have the best-educated prospect in the world.
But when you can also use emotion, that's when you have a customer. You can also try mixing and matching your strategies to see which pathway is more effective in different scenarios. The point is that when it comes to your approach to marketing, don't overlook the fact that there are two different paths to persuading people. Sometimes you need to rely mostly on the facts, while other times you need to play to someone's emotions. Both pathways can be very powerful -- so don't miss the opportunity to make them work to your advantage. Get the advice you need to start, grow, and lead your Know by Heart today. Subscribe here for unlimited access. Apr 20, The opinions expressed here by Inc. Sponsored Business Content.]
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