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Igbo Culture Success Essay

Igbo Culture Success Essay Video

How Culture Affects the Public Speaker Dan and Shiho discuss their upcoming assignment: a minute informative speech on a topic demonstrating ethical principles.

Igbo Culture Success Essay

Shiho says she wants to talk about the concept of saving face, but Dan does not understand what this expression means and Igbo Culture Success Essay it is appropriate for the assignment. Shiho explains, Saving face is a concept that means a person does not purposely Interpersonal Attraction anything to make another lose credibility or status. Shiho says she often does not ask questions of the other students because she is aware the Making Connections for Success How Culture Affects the Public Speaker Dan and Shiho discuss their upcoming assignment: a minute informative speech on a topic demonstrating ethical principles. Shiho Suvcess she often does not ask questions of the other students because she is aware the questions could cause them to lose face in their own minds or in the minds of others.

Planning for a long term success

According to Japanese beliefs, ethical speakers and ethical listeners will not willingly cause another to lose face, nor will they willingly lose face by making a mistake. Dan is fascinated and asks more questions to learn about Shihos culture.

Igbo Culture Success Essay

Each of us should be aware of cultural perspectives and how they may affect speakers and listeners in a speaking situation. Think about the cultures or cocultures represented in your communication class, and then answer these questions: 1.

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What values do these other cultures promote? How do you know?

Igbo Culture Success Essay

How do the cultural values affect the way a person might respond to certain topics? Provide examples. How can you increase your sensitivity and awareness of cultural perspectives? What can you, as a speaker, do to adjust to different cultural values in your communication class?]

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