Identities In A New Environment In Ashokes The Namesake - Custom Academic Help

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Improve YOUR Comparative Paragraph Writing - Reckoning and The Namesake Identities In A New Environment In Ashokes The Namesake

The name "A-shoka" literally means "without sorrow". According to an Ashokavadana legend, his mother gave him this name because his birth removed her sorrows. It may have been a regnal name adopted by Ashoka. The identification of Devanampiya and Ashoka as the same person is established by the Maski and Gujarra inscriptions, which use both these terms for the king. The exact date of Ashoka's birth is not certain, as the extant contemporary Indian texts did not record such details.

The Pataliputra capital4th—3rd c. Ashoka was probably born in the city of Pataliputra.

Identities In A New Environment In Ashokes The Namesake

Remains of the city from around that time have been found through excavations in central areas of the modern city of Patna. Ancestry Ashoka's own inscriptions are fairly detailed, but make no mention of his ancestors. Accordingly, her father took her to Pataliputra, where she was inducted into Bindusara's harem, and ultimately, became his chief queen. Gurugethis is not a name, but an epithet. However, there is no evidence that Ashoka's mother or grandmother was Greek, and the idea has been dismissed by most historians. One read article, Bindusara asked the ascetic Pingala-vatsajiva to determine which of his sons was being worthy of his successor. On the ascetic's advice, he asked all the princes to assemble at the Garden of the Golden Pavilion.

Ashoka was reluctant to go because his father disliked him, but his mother convinced him to do so.

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When minister Radhagupta saw Ashoka leaving the capital for the Garden, he offered to provide the prince a royal elephant for the travel. To avoid annoying Bindusara, the ascetic refused to name the successor. Instead, he said that Envlronment who had the best mount, seat, drink, vessel and food would be the next king; each time, Ashoka declared that he met the criterion.

Identities In A New Environment In Ashokes The Namesake

Later, he told Ashoka's mother that her son would be the next king, and on her advice, left the kingdom to avoid Bindusara's wrath. This suggests that Bindusara was impressed by the other qualities of the prince. According to the Ashokavadana, Bindusara dispatched prince Ashoka to suppress a rebellion in the city of Takshashila [58] present-day Bhir Mound [59]. This episode is not mentioned in the Sri Lankan tradition, which instead states that Bindusara sent Ashoka to govern Ujjain.

Two other Buddhist texts — Ashoka-sutra and Kunala-sutra — state that Bindusara appointed Ashoka as a viceroy in Gandhara where Takshashila was locatednot Ujjain. Ashoka declared that weapons would appear before him if he was worthy of being a king, and then, Identities In A New Environment In Ashokes The Namesake deities emerged from the earth, and provided weapons to the army. When Ashoka reached Takshashila, the citizens welcomed him, and told him that their rebellion was only against the evil ministers, not the king. Sometime later, Ashoka was similarly welcomed in the Khasa territory, and the gods declared that he would go on to conquer the whole earth. The inscription includes a name that begins with the letters "prydr", and most scholars restore it as "Priyadarshi", which was a title of Ashoka. Pataliputra was connected to Ujjain by multiple routes in Ashoka's time, and on the way, Ashoka entourage may have encamped at Rupnath, where his inscription has been found.

According to the Dipamvamsa and Mahamvamsa, the woman was Devi — the daughter of a merchant. The Shakya connection may have been fabricated by the Buddhist chroniclers in an attempt to connect Ashoka's family to Buddha. Therefore, it is likely that she was already a Buddhist when she met Ashoka.

The Namesake Theme Of Identity Essay

That means, Mahinda must have been 14 years old when Ashoka ascended the throne. Even if Mahinda was born when Ashoka EEnvironment as young as 20 years old, Ashoka must have ascended the throne at the age of 34 years, which means he must have served as a viceroy for several years.

The minister worried that after ascending the throne, Susima may jokingly hurt him with a sword. Therefore, he instigated five hundred ministers to support Ashoka's claim to the throne when the time came, noting that Ashoka was predicted to become a chakravartin universal ruler. Shortly after, Bindusara fell ill, and expected to die soon.]

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