Grendels Love In Beowulf Essay - Custom Academic Help

Grendels Love In Beowulf Essay

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Beowulf Essay Words 5 Pages. Grendel, a massive bearlike monster, has spent the remaining twelve years locked in a warfare in opposition to a band of people. On John Gardners, Grendel the main character Grendel is very confused of the life he is living. Beowulf, the epic, follows an Anglo-Saxon society, the Danes, during the middle ages, a time when religion and bloodline dictated social hierarchy. For where many men fail, one man with an iron grip is able to outlast even Grendel. Beowulf is labeled as a hero in both the poem and the novel The characterization of Grendel is very different in the novel Grendel from the one in Beowulf, where Grendel is described as an outcast who is peaceful, intelligent, lonely, and sad. We have all heard of the great epic poem Beowulf; one of the first major works in English literature. Yes, the poet should have left a brief description of their appearance. Some may not be as aware of a book titled Grendel written by John Gardner in Grendel in Beowulf In Beowulf, a heroic epic poem, Grendel is one of the three monsters Beowulf, the hero has to slay. Grendels Love In Beowulf Essay

We have all heard of the great epic poem Beowulf; one of the first major works in English literature. Grendel is a monster in this epic poem, in which he terrorizes people.

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He is a huge, powerful descendant of the biblical Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. In the same way as Cane, Grendel was cursed and condemned by the mighty Creator. Grendel is envious, resentful and angry toward mankind. He may attack at any time, for no reason at all and there is no way to reach an agreement with him to make him stop what he is doing. He exists to devastate and to murder human beings. Grendel may be a part of fiction in this poem, but he also exists in real life.

In modern life we can find the character of Grendel in natural disasters and human beings.

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A citation from the poem, translated by Kevin Crossley-Holland, would give a good picture of what Grendel caused to human kind; think of a beautiful place, a mead-hall, where people came together every night to eat, drink, sing and feast. At once that hellish monster, grim and greedy, brutally cruel, started forward and seized thirty thanes even as they slept; and then, gloating over his plunder, he hurried from the hall, made for Grnedels lair with all those slain warriors.

Grendels Love In Beowulf Essay

Grendel turns up out of nowhere, kills, murders people, and then disappears. In modern life we deal with natural disasters in a similar way. There are earthquakes, tornados, volcanic eruptions and floods, which cause loss of life and property damage.

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A natural disaster comes without giving any notice, shatters homes, takes lives and leaves a population helpless with the ruins of its attack. Besides natural disasters, human beings can be Grendels themselves. According to Freud, we are born with our Id. The id is an important part of our personality because as newborns, it allows us to get our basic needs met.

Freud believed that the id is based on our pleasure principle. In other words, the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation.]

Grendels Love In Beowulf Essay

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