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Global Hunger Issue - frankly

More than NGOs published an open letter today calling upon all governments to urgently increase aid to stop over 34 million people, from being pushed to the brink of starvation this year. Yet, as more and more people go to bed hungry, conflict is increasing. At the end of the UN estimated that million people were either at high risk of, or already facing, acute levels of hunger. Already million people in 58 countries have reached that level and are at risk of dying from malnutrition or lack of food, and this figure is only likely to rise in coming months if nothing is done immediately. Globally, average food prices are now the highest in seven years. Conflict is the biggest driver of global hunger, also exacerbated by climate change and the coronavirus pandemic.

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Global Hunger Issue 3 days ago · WFP said measures to curtail COVID spread have contributed to the dramatic increase in food prices across the region.. Rations at risk. Some staples are up nearly 40 per cent over the five-year average. In some areas prices have jumped by more than per cent, while incomes have plummeted as a result of declines in sectors such as trade, tourism and remittances. 1 day ago · The latest figures on global hunger levels are as of of March from FAO-WPF’s Hunger Hotspots report In December the UN’s Global Humanitarian Overview for warned the number of acutely food insecure people could rise to million by the end of FAO & WFP echoed this estimate in their call to action to avert famine in February. 1 day ago · Egypt to purchase 20 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine; UAE extends key parts of $bn economic support plan until mid; Saudi Arabia reduces US bonds holdings by % in
Global Hunger Issue. Global Hunger Issue


The feet tall piece is on the Marriott Hotel building at Broadway and 11th Street. It will be there indefinitely. The Hungef, called "Zero Hunger" is one of six across the United States meant to bring attention to the issue of world hunger. The mural shows a smiling young Black girl with sunlight on her face, holding a bundle of Global Hunger Issue.

Global Hunger Issue

It was important to me to do something positive," Artist Victor Ash explained. And that is to ensure that everyone has decency. The basic needs to live: food, housing, and income.

Global Hunger Issue

This is the work that we are here on this planet to do. And I thank you for choosing Oakland, as a place to put this symbol of this vision and determination, because I promise you that the people of this city, believe in every one of these goals, and will work, as we say in Oakland, hella hard, to make Global Hunger Issue a reality," Mayor Schaaf said. If you download the app 'Street Art Mankind' and look at the mural through the app on your phone, information will pop up about world hunger, how you can donate and what work you can do to help.]

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