Gender Stereotypes In Clueless And Mean Girls - Custom Academic Help

Gender Stereotypes In Clueless And Mean Girls Video

Gender Stereotypes In Clueless And Mean Girls Gender Stereotypes In Clueless And Mean Girls

Core Assessment Topics

Why you chose this Cluelsss Specific hypothesis Method Materials: Materials include checklists, or software used for data collection not data analysis. Procedure:The procedure includes the step-by-step how of you collected the data for your study. The procedure should include: A step-by-step listing in chronological order of what you did during the study. In general, were your hypotheses supported- why or why not? Due Date Submit by p.

Girls Rule, Boys Drool: The Effects Of Gender Stereotypes.

Core Assessment Topics Pick one of the topics below: 1. Stereotypes Obtained From Media Portrayals of Men and Women Examine a set of televisions shows to see if and how the stereotypes of women and men have changed. You may focus on a particular type of program or sample across a variety of programs e. If you are really energetic, conduct the same kind Gedner experiment on a similar setoff shows that appeared on television 20 or 30 years ago. A variation of this experiment is to review television commercials or magazine advertisements. Take notes on what you see.

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If so, how? Are there types of toys that are clearly aimed at boys or girls e. If so, what are the differences between these types of toys? Do the toy names and descriptions of toys on their packaging tell you anything about the assumed differences in what boys and girls are attracted to?

Gender Stereotypes In Clueless And Mean Girls

What are some of the toys that do not appear to be targeted specifically at boys or girls? Are they hard to find?

Gender Stereotypes In Clueless And Mean Girls

What strategies are used to attract children to these toys? Pay attention to location in the store, packaging, color, and the nature of the toy. How are the toys different? How are the toys similar?

Gender Stereotypes In Clueless And Mean Girls

Compare these toys to the ones you had during your childhood.]

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