Gender Differences In Moral Reasoning - words... something
Ethical dilemmas were presented to 1, teachers, doctors and lawyers in the form of a questionnaire. The individuals were asked to choose a course of action and provide reasons for their choice. What was of particular interest was how the professionals prioritised different moral theories in their decision-making; namely, whether the reasons they gave were deontological, consequential or virtue ethical in nature. The findings are significant for those seeking to revise and improve professional ethical education and practice. Thomas, H. Virtuous Medical Practice. Research Report. Arthur, J. Gender Differences In Moral ReasoningShow full item record Abstract Previous research suggests that a lack of pro-social skills is characteristic of an offending personality.
Two hundred male and female offenders and matched controls completed measures to assess: Theory of Mind, empathic understanding, and moral reasoning. Significant differences between the offenders and the control group, as well as between the male and female participants, were detected in theory of mind, empathic understanding and moral reasoning with offenders scoring lower than the control group, and with males scoring lower than females on most tests.
The ability to assess Theory of Mind, empathic understanding, and moral reasoning, and subsequently to identify reduced ability, is not only useful for researchers but will also allow practitioners to tailor existing or develop new interventions specific to the needs of individuals. This could be particularly useful in terms of recidivism when applied to those Diffwrences in anti-social or offending behaviour. Citation Spenser, K. R, Betts,
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Brilliant phrase and it is duly