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Galactose Essays

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In the right side picture above, both simple sugars look like hexagons. The red and white dots are the Hydrogens and Oxygens on Galactose Essays sugar. There are four objectives. By summarizing what you read with focus on the four main topics you learn to differentiate what is needed by the health care professional to make an assessment of the case2. Galactoe

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We will learn about carbohydrates: mono- and disaccharides. We will study enzyme function and what happens when enzymes are non-functional. Task 1: Read Galactosr case study on loss of lactase enzyme followed by lactose intolerance. Case PresentationPei, a year-old Asian graduate student in computer science, had been experiencing occasional Galactose Essays after meals.

Galactose Essays

The discomfort reached a new peak last Thursday evening about an hour after eating a cheeseburger and a large chocolate milk shake. Pei spent much of that night in pain.

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She had abdominal cramps and diarrhea and also felt sick to her stomach. Pei went to the clinic and saw a doctor the next day. Pei told the doctor that on most evenings she cooked Esssays herself, usually preparing traditional Asian cuisine, and that she seldom experienced any discomfort after eating at home.

Galactose Essays

Pei only experienced discomfort after dining out, especially, it seemed, after eating her favorite fast food meal, a double cheese burger and a Esdays shake. When asked if she Galactose Essays very much milk or cheese when preparing meals at home, Pei told the doctor that she almost never cooked with any dairy product. The Galactose Essays suspected that Pei could be lactose intolerant and told Pei that she would like to have a test performed to verify her suspicion.]

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