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Examples Of Consequentialism

Examples Of Consequentialism Video

What is CONSEQUENTIALISM? What does CONSEQUENTIALISM mean? CONSEQUENTIALISM meaning Examples Of Consequentialism.

Ethics Vs. Kantian Ethics

What is Consequentialism? Consequentialism is a type of normative ethical theory which states that the moral quality of an action is completely determined by its consequences, and nothing else. In this way, consequentialism ethics provide criteria for the moral evaluation of actions, while also recommending rules or decision-making criteria for future actions. For example, a strict student of consequentialism theory could only donate to the charity that they believe is producing the most good in the world. Satisficers, on the other hand, would recognize that most Examples Of Consequentialism produce enough good, Examples Of Consequentialism donating to any of them assuming you do some basic homework is better than not donating to any.

The opposite of consequentialism, known as non-consequentialism, argues click at this page the potential consequences of a given action should not be taken into consideration when determining the moral quality of an action. Examples of Consequentialism Ethics Consequentialism ethics give consequentialists guidance whenever they are faced with a moral decision; with this guidance coming in many forms. A consequentialist who follows act consequentialism, on the other hand, Examples Of Consequentialism each moral action or decision on a case-by-case basis. Here are three examples of consequentialism ethics playing out in three very different areas: Baby Hitler If you could go back in time and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it? This question has been posed to many years, and it is a classic example of consequentialism philosophy in action.

Consequentialists would answer that yes, they would absolutely kill Hitler as a baby, as they know that while murder is generally frowned upon, by killing baby Hitler they will be saving the lives of millions upon millions of people; thus killing baby Hitler is morally justified.

Examples Of Consequentialism

Non-consequentialists, on the other hand, would argue that murder is wrong under all circumsrances, and therefore despite their knowledge of what not killing baby Hitler will bring, they cannot morally allow themselves to kill Hitler as a baby. Healthcare Another example of consequentialism philosophy in action is that of consequentialism in healthcare.

If you worked in a hospital and only had enough dosage of a particular drug to either keep one patient who is severely Examples Of Consequentialism from dying, or five patients who are less sick and could share the dosage from dying, which would you choose?

Examples Of Consequentialism

A consequentialist would choose the five patients who require less of a dosage to receive the medicine, allowing the sixth patient to die, as this produces the most moral good. A non-consequentialist, on the other hand, would infer no judgement over who is more worthy of the medicine, and would simply administer the necessary medicine on a first Examples Of Consequentialism, first serve basis, until it runs out. Self-Driving Cars Finally, a modern-day example of consequentialism philosophy in action would be Examples Of Consequentialism ethics associated with self-driving cars. The algorithms that power self-driving cars have to make constant choices. Does the car need to slow down? Is it safe to merge into the next lane? Should it swerve Conseqjentialism hit one child, or stay its course and hit two seniors? The tragedy of the consequences that self-driving car algorithms have to contend with on a daily basis are no different from the choices that human drivers have to make in a fraction of a second, but the fact that these algorithms must be programed by humans with time on their hands to ponder Consequuentialism questions would give any consequentialist pause.


Alternatives to Consequentialism Ethics Alternatives to consequentialism differ over what the good, most moral thing is that should be maximized. Here are three alternatives to consequentialism ethics: Consequentialism vs.

Examples Of Consequentialism

Utilitarianism Utilitarianism argues that all decisions or actions should maximize human well-being above all else. Or to put it another Examples Of Consequentialism, utilitarianism philosophy states that the most moral decision or action is that which produces the most happiness, or the least unhappiness, for the largest amount of people. While this is similar to consequentialism in that for most consequentialists, the most moral consequences of an action is likely Consequentjalism around human happiness, utilitarianism spells out this result.

Examples of Consequentialism Ethics

Consequentialism vs. Hedonism Hedonism argues that Examples Of Consequentialism should maximise human pleasure above all else. Consequentialim deciding between two or more actions, a hedonist considers only which action will produce the most human pleasure. Similar to utilitarianism, consequentialism and hedonism also known as hedonistic act utilitarianism contrast in how they define consequences. While hedonists consider only the maximization of human pleasure, consequentialists take a much broader view.

Summary Of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

Think bad to the baby Hitler example above; the non-consequentialists in that example could also be called deontologists. I hope this brief introduction to consequentialism ethics has been helpful in increasing your understanding of this fascinating moral philosophy. How to Reference this Article Spall, B. A Brief Introduction to Consequentialism Ethics.]

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