Essay On The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls - Custom Academic Help

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Words Exploring the unknown is an incredible experience and it is quite good as well but indulging too much in it can be adverse for the person. In contrast with everything that we commonly do in our lives, unknown is something that is yet to be explored and that makes it interesting. Curiosity is natural to humans and it pushes them to question, think, and explore what intrigues them. As it has been explained above, exploration of unknown can certainly be a good thing if it is not overdone. For instance, an ambitious person always explores the limits of his knowledge and abilities and that is what makes him successful. However, when it is overdone and primary responsibilities are lost in it, it adversely influences the life of person. In Glass Castle, Jeannette explains that her mother loved exploring and partly because of it, she was unable to stick to her job. Jeannette, herself, also had a thing for unknown and due to it, she abandoned both her mother and father, and left to New York. Although one might say that she only pursued her dreams but because she was lost in her exploration, it contributed to the distancing of her family and because she preferred to explore, she could not stay with her husband and took divorce from him Walls,

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Essay On The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls. Essay On The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls Essay On The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

The story tells about her upbringing in poverty and the importance of education. She was born on April 21,in Phoenix, AZ. When she wants to do something, she follows through.

Essay On The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

She had a poor and dysfunctional family that causes her to spend many nights under the desert stars, they move from one place to another place because they could not pay bills. Walls recognizes that her father Rex con not hold a job.

She Wzlls hope in Rex as his drunkenness get worse. When Walls askes her mother Rose Mary, to leave Rex so that the family can qualify for welfare, Rose Mary is shocked and she admonishes Jeannette for losing hope in her father. The dream of the Glass Castle that Rex had designed for his family was destroyed.

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Walls realizes her parents will always let her down. Given her upbringing, Walls was not surprised when she spotted her Mom digging in a dumpster for something to eat as she drove by. Although Walls had known for years that her mother was homeless, the sight took Jeannette back to her childhood when they had to move around the country and change their homes because of bill contractors.

After she saw her Mom, She took her to a Chines restaurant. Your father and I are who we are. Accept it.

Essay On The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

This conversation between Jeanette and her mom gives Walls the confidence to tell others about her family and not give in to her panic about letting her colleagues and know the truth about her upbringing. Even in adulthood, she had a hard time accepting the truth of Gpass upbringing and feared that the past would somehow damage her present happiness.

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This quote is meaningful in the book, in society today, and in my own life. What was his redeeming quality? She explains that even the worst of people have good qualities and are good at something. She wanted Walls to understand, not judge people before knowing them.

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Not judging people is also important in the scene where Walls family car breaks down and they have to get a ride from a woman who decided help and take the Walls family back to their destination. The woman driving Jeanette and her family keeps referring to them poor and this upsets Jeanette causing her to say that her family is not poor. Trying to defend the dignity of her parents and siblings, Jeannette firmly asserts that the family is not poor Glasw the woman quickly apologizes. As a result, they chastise their daughter for angering her grandmother.]

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