Essay On Economic Inequality And Poverty - Custom Academic Help

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Chapter 20. Income Inequality and Poverty. Essay On Economic Inequality And Poverty

Now a second wave is threatening the dreams of Essaay more looking for a better life. The family is struggling to stay afloat after the pandemic left the couple without jobs. The shop, called the Right Fit, opened in Februaryjust weeks before the coronavirus struck India.

Unable to pay the rent, Mr. Anand closed the Right Fit two months later. Now Mr. Anand, his wife and his two children are among millions of people in India in danger of sliding out of the middle class and into poverty. They depend on handouts from his aging in-laws.

Essay On Economic Inequality And Poverty

Khichdi, or watery lentils cooked Economoc rice, has replaced eggs and chicken at the dinner table. Sometimes, he said, the children go to bed hungry. Anand, Already, about 32 million people in India were driven into poverty by the pandemic last year, according to the Pew Research Centeraccounting for a majority of the 54 million who slipped out of the middle class worldwide.

The pandemic is undoing decades of progress for a country that in fits and starts has brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. Already, deep structural problems and the sometimes impetuous nature of many of Mr. A shrinking middle class would deal lasting damage. India on Friday reported more thannew infections, another record.

Lockdowns are back in some states.

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With work Inequslity, migrant workers are packing into trains and buses home as they did last year. Yet Mr. His government has also been reluctant to increase spending substantially like the United States and some other places, instead releasing a budget that would raise spending on infrastructure and in other areas but that also emphasizes cutting debt.

Essay On Economic Inequality And Poverty

Image Anil G. Kumar lives in Palam, one of the many neighborhoods in Delhi that have been hurt by the pandemic. Smita Sharma for The New York Times The Modi government has defended its handling of the pandemic, saying vaccinations are making progress and that signs point to an economic resurgence. The heady growth forecasts feel far away for Nikita Jagad, who was out of work for over eight months.

Poverty and inequality

Jagad, a year-old resident of Mumbai, stopped going out with her friends, eating at restaurants and even taking bus rides, unless the trip was for a job interview. Last week, Ms. Jagad got a new job as a manager at a company that provides housekeeping services for airlines.

Essay On Economic Inequality And Poverty

It could also be short-lived: the state of Maharashtra, home to Mumbai, announced lockdown-like measures this week to stop the spreading second wave. If she loses her new job, Ms. Jagad is still the only support for her mother.]

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