End Of Life Reflection - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

End Of Life Reflection.

Register Now Program Overview Nurses contribute to the transformation of end of life care by engaging with patients and families in coaching conversations throughout the continuum of illness.

End Of Life Reflection

When nurses work from a coaching perspective, they help individuals and families to create goals that are based on what matters most to them. By opening up the conversations with people living with chronic and advanced illness, nurses help them to live more intentionally and with greater wellbeing.

End Of Life Reflection

This shifts the trajectory of how people then come into the last part of life — and affects the decisions they make. This change in the quality of conversation could help transform end-of-life care in our country.

Course Faculty

This course may appeal to nurses and nurse coaches who are wanting to expand their focus to include end of life…nurses who work with seriously ill people who want to learn about coaching practices…or nurses who want to take more leadership in open conversations about preparing for the end of life.

More Nurse coaching conversations End Of Life Reflection presence, skillful listening, significant questions, reflection, and planning. They help guide individuals living with chronic and serious illness to make decisions about care and treatment within the framework of their own life story. By opening these conversations earlier in the go here of illness, we open the possibility of transforming how people experience the last part of their lives.

In this programs, participants will find tools, skill-building, and reflective practices that encourage them to explore their personal beliefs and values about aging, advanced illness, and dying.]

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