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Drug Cartels In Mexico Drug Cartels In Mexico. Drug Cartels In Mexico

These Army deserters were enticed with salaries much higher than those of the Mexican Army. Some of the original members, who had come from the GAFE unit, had during the s reportedly received training in commando and urban warfare from Israeli special forces and American Special Forces units, which included training in here deployment, marksmanship, ambushes, counter-surveillance and the art of intimidation.

Drug Cartels In Mexico

The Zetas began to organize kidnappings, protection rackets, extortion, securing cocaine supply and trafficking routes known as plazas zones and executing its foes, often with Carels savagery. In response to the rising power of the Gulf Cartel, the rival The Sinaloa Cartel established a heavily armed, well-trained enforcer group known as Los Negros. The group operated similar to Los Zetas, but with less complexity and success.

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Their operatives now include corrupt former federal, state, and local police officers, as well as ex-Kaibiles, the Special Forces of the Guatemalan military. Over time, many of the original 31 have been killed or arrested, and a number of younger men have filled the vacuum, forming something that resembles what Los Zetas used to be, but still far from the efficiency of the original Zetas. Split from the Gulf Cartel[ edit edit source ] It is unclear which of the two — The Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas — started the conflict that led to their break up.

Some sources reveal that as a result of the supremacy of Los Zetas, the Gulf Cartel felt threatened by the growing force of their own enforcer group and Drug Cartels In Mexico to curtail their influence, but eventually failed in their attempt, instigating a war. In addition, from the perspective presented by the Gulf Cartel, the narco-banners placed by Drug Cartels In Mexico in the cities of Matamoros, Tamaulipas and Reynosa, Tamaulipas explained that the reason for their rupture was that Los Zetas had expanded their operations not only to drug trafficking, but also to extortion, kidnapping, homicide, and theft.

Drug Cartels In Mexico

These were actions that the Gulf Cartel allegedly disagreed with. Los Zetas responded and countered the accusations Cartles posting their own banners throughout Tamaulipas. They pointedly noted that they had carried out executions and kidnappings under orders of the Gulf Cartel when they served as their enforcers, and they were originally created by them for that sole purpose.

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Drug Cartels In Mexico addition, Los Zetas charged that the Gulf Cartel also kills innocent civilians, and then blames the Zetas for their atrocities. Some sources mention that the Gulf Cartel began looking to form a truce with the Sinaloa Drug Cartels In Mexico their rivals, and Los Zetas did not want to recognize the treaty settlement. Soon after his death, Los Zetas demanded that the Gulf Cartel hand over the http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/human-swimming/marketing-strategy-of-chanel.php, but they check this out, triggering the war.

Los Zetas infighting[ edit edit source ] In a flurry of articles in late Cartellsa U. In addition, sources reveal that Los Zetas may also be responsible for the death of people at the Durango massacres and for the Puebla oil pipeline explosion, which killed 28 people, injured 52, and damaged over homes. Their rivals, The Sinaloa Cartelhave lost some territories to Los Zetas, and went down from 23 states Cartsls dominion to By the beginning ofMexico's government escalated its offensive against the Zetas with the announcement that five new military bases will be installed in the group's primary areas of operation.

Tamaulipas state corruption[ edit.]

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