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Driving licences Essays

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Driving licences Essays Driving licences Essays

Given that many state governments are considering raising the minimum driving age from 16 to 18, people need to made aware of such problems. The age requirement should remain at 16 because teens need the driving experience, responsibility, and ability to get to work on their own.

Driving licences Essays

Some believe that these statistics are the reason that the age requirement should be link, but I must disagree. A majority of these crashes involving young Drivibg are due to …show more content… The minimum age required to get a job and to drive are only three months apart, and if the age requirement for driving is Driving licences Essays, responsible teenagers who wish to start their employment will have difficulty finding a solution to get there.

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For example, even if the work hours matched, issues will occur every time the parent is sick or has to work overtime; in addition, more complications can happen if the teen leaves work early because he or she would have to find Driving licences Essays else to drive him or her home. In conclusion, the minimum driving age should not be raised by two years.

If it is, teenagers will not be able to gain much-needed driving experience and will not be exposed to the many responsibilities of being a driver. Teenagers wanting their licenses already have to Driving licences Essays their capabilities by going through multiple tests, so lixences is no issue with the current age requirement.

Essay on Increasing the Minimum Driving Age

Driving age should be raised Essys 21, No one should take their driving license before that. Rising the driving age for having the driving license will help in decreasing the number of car accidents. Because teenagers are not mature enough, May take their eyes of the road texting the driving age should….]

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