College Becoming Overpriced - phrase... super
But Drummond said she shared a room with a woman who was messy and constantly on her phone. The room is in a Radisson Hotel. The hotel, in Queens, is another homeless shelter, where Drummond lives. She has lived in four shelters since , often working two jobs, while spending her days off searching for an apartment she can afford. She has looked at some 30 places across the city but said landlords had rejected her applications. Some take on multiple jobs, work staggering amounts of overtime and still struggle to find their own homes. She despaired of finding a home she could pay for on her hourly salary. Eventually a housing specialist at Acacia helped her land an apartment in a public housing project in Queens, where she moved in with her son, who is now 5. College Becoming OverpricedWe've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please click the box below to let us know you're not a robot.
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