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Circus skills Essays

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Buy Study Guide Summary Chapter Eight rewinds from the point at which Fevvers sees Walser in his beard and shaman's robe and picks up in the village where Walser is taken by the shaman after the train crash. Walser is not the first white foreigner to show up in the village, but he is perhaps the first who isn't perceived as a threat. The first white foreigner was a fur trader who introduced gonorrhea to the tribe, and, since it has gone untreated, cursed them with a low birth rate. Since the fur trader passed through, the age of steam has grown larger on the village's horizon, and the railway station at a town Carter refers to as only "R" calls to the new generation of villagers, as they dream of what might lie beyond the vast snowscape of Siberia. Walser has the misfortune, as an amnesiac, to have been found by a shaman whose practices rely a great deal on hallucinogenics; meaning, even as Walser is on the cusp of recovering his memory and, by extension, his sanity, he's being cared for by a man who readily chalks up Walser's revelations to communications from spiritual planes. So, instead of aiding Walser in the recovery of his identity, the shaman further obscures it, and Walser begins to contextualize the fragments of his memory that return to him—for example, Mignon 's song, the image of Fevvers' wings, "The Star-Spangled Banner," among other things—as part of his shamanic practice. His mentor encourages this and folds the imagery into Walser's image as a shaman. For instance, in response to Walser's recitation of "The Star-Spangled Banner" and his memory of Colonel Kearney's American-flag-themed suit, the shaman commissions an artisan to weave tin stars into Walser's bearskin robes. Walser's shaman host experiments with what types of foods to feed his guest, and a handful of times, he feeds Walser a psychoactive ingredient to induce visions. He leads Walser, blindfolded, into the wilderness to find a suitable tree from which to fashion his shamanic drum.

Circus skills Essays - useful message

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Circus skills Essays

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