Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan - Custom Academic Help

Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan

Pakistan Corruption simply means dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those who are in power. Corruption is the evil which leads to the economic, social and moral problems in a country. The society void of law and order is a corrupt society. It is as old as man. It is a world-wide phenomenon. It is probably found in all the countries of the world. Corruption creates a deplorable situation in the country. Every department is corrupt and not performing their duty honestly. The funds and money that should be spend to provide facilities to the people of Pakistan, they are gone in corruption. The development projects are incomplete due to corruption. We are lagging behind other nations of the world due to corruption in our country.

Corruption is caused either by power or by absolute power. There are various forms of corruption in Pakistan. It is found in the form of cheating, fraud, swindling, nepotism, Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan and misappropriation of funds, bribery and acceptance of gratification. The corrupt people do not abide by the laws. They Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan morality and good manners. They cause many evils in the society. It is a flea that sucks the blood of the people of Pakistan.

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It defames and degrades the nation in the eyes of other nations of the world. When a sensible citizen of Pakistan ponders upon present condition of corruption in the country, he is curious to know about Corruptipn root causes and its remedies. Corruption has been a menace for our country since the birth of this nation.

Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan

There are many causes of the prevalence of corruption. Firstly, the Paoistan to grow rich overnight is its root cause. Such people ignore moral values and try to feather their nest. Mostly the politicians are involved in this case. They always look to the rich and do not bother to look to the poor.

Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan

People want to live in bungalows and board costly cars. In order to lead a luxurious life, they use many fair or foul means to grab wealth.

Causes Of Corruption In Pakistan

In this way, they cause corruption. Secondly, the prices of the commodities of life are rising daily. The government has no control over anything in society.

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In order to meet their needs, people resort to corruption and cause different crimes in society. Thirdly, a few privileged hands in our country are very strong. No government has the power to enforce any policy after its own will rather it has to become a puppet in the hands of the industrialists and capitalists.

All the people in government have fear in their minds due to these people.]

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