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Honeywell Case Study: Android Industries Case Study Of Australian Hardware Case Study Of Australian Hardware

Subject Name : Public health Introduction to Australian Community Australia is a diverse country with an involvement of a number of different communities Whittaker et al Even though Australia have a number of health programs that promote health equity but there are still a number of communities that lacks behind in terms of health, equality and social justice. The Indigenous people in Australia are vulnerable to severe health disparities, inequalities and discrimination.

Introduction to Australian Community

These people have been under the influence of traumatic history, tremendous stress and social exclusion which has made them to experience an unhealthy and socially inactive lifestyle. These people prefer to live in remote areas in established colonies of their own race Hardwage avoid interactions with someone Case Study Of Australian Hardware the Non-Indigenous background. The assignment will primarily describe the state of people living in communities, followed by their health status in terms of inequalities.

The assignment will then provide a Australizn discussion and analysis of the communication and cultural factors of the Indigenous Australians followed by the development of a public health program for addressing their cultural and communicative needs. The status of the Aboriginal and TSI people living in the remote areas is even lower than the status of the Aboriginal and TSI people living in major cities Tervonen et al Even though both the Indigenous people living in major cities and remote areas have to bear the burden of inequalities but the burden for the Indigenous people living in remote areas is always higher.

Status of The Australian Indigenous Community Living in Rural and Remote Areas

The Australian Indigenous population living in remote areas face a number of health based challenges. This is mainly because of their geographic isolation and lack of accessible services. A research conducted Azzopardi et alcompared the health and wellbeing outcomes of the Indigenous and the Non-indigenous people living in remote areas and evaluated that the health and wellbeing status of the Indigenous people are lower than the Non-Indigenous people.

These people are highly engaged in behaviors such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle which impart greater health risk to these people.

Case Study Of Australian Hardware

Factors such as disadvantage in terms of education, income and employment have impacted their health status Psaltopoulou et al. Moreover, the people living in remote areas are also influenced by lack of access to healthcare which is a subject to both inequality and inequity.

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According to Wylie and McConkeylack of access to healthcare for the Indigenous people is one of the most influential cause of health disparities. It has been seen that the Indigenous Australians have greater risk of both physical and mental health conditions such as diabetes, cardiac failure, depression, anxiety read more COPD Eton et al This is mainly because of their poor living conditions and lifestyle. Indigenous people living in remote location do Stdy get timely diagnosis which makes their condition even worse and ultimately leading to greater mortality and morbidity. Although a research conducted by LoGiudice et alhave indicated greater live satisfaction Case Study Of Australian Hardware Indigenous people living in remote areas of Australia.

Case Study Of Australian Hardware

But, their health status is significantly lower than other people of Australia in addition Audtralian severe inequalities and social injustice. Health Status of The Community According to Fast and Collin-Vezinathe Indigenous people of Australia have a stressful history and these people are influenced by severe culture and health based disparities.

This inequalities and disparities have made them to live a less fulfilling and stressful life. Therefore, these people have lower health outcomes then the Non-Indigenous people.

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According to Stone and WaldronCasse Aboriginal and TSI people living in the remote areas of Australia have greater health risks because of their reduced health access and poor living standards. According to the health statistics developed by AIHWthe indigenous people have greater health burden in comparison to the Non-Indigenous people because of severe health based inequalities. As per the reports published by AIHWIN year1 in 3 Indigenous youth experienced greater level emotional distress in comparison to 1 in 8 Non-Indigenous youth.

Remoteness if one of the most common factor the produce inequalities for the people.]

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