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That bathtub being our current state of economy. Individuals work in fear and scarcity. Millions of retail, call center, truck driving and fast food jobs are soon to be taken over with automation. Government works to create new jobs, manage economic gaps and provide mental and physical healthcare while the pile of problems just get bigger and bigger. In an era of the greatest economic and technological transition in the history, governments need a meaningful solution to secure individuals and their wellbeing. It is important to clarify that UBI is not a solution where it only makes sense from an economic standpoint. Unfortunately, the current market fails to recognize values of caregiving, arts and creativity, journalism, environment, infrastructure and public goods. Somehow, everything that truly matters gets punished by the current market design. Capitalistic Ideology Capitalistic Ideology

Republicans were.

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They just fail to grasp that Republicans prior to probably the civil rights act we for the most part liberals. Same for Marxist.

Capitalistic Ideology

It's an easy way to demonise something and it's not just exclusive to these Capitalistic Ideology either. Take any word, say it's now evil, you've just got yourself an easy and cheap way of attacking people you don't want to deal with. Whether communism is actually bad is irrelevant, it's a CCapitalistic to slap onto something before throwing it out the window. You like that thing? That thing is x, x is bad, let's ignore thing you like because it's Capitalistic Ideology because it's x.

Racist is being applied in the same way.

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That thing is racist. Therefore it's bad. Therefore it's beyond discussion. Therefore it can be ignored. But as King proves, dismissing something doesn't make it magically disappear into thin air. He didn't just vanish because he was now branded comrade King by those desperate that he shut up, he went on to become one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century. Let that be a lesson to those who attempt to silence, whatever your angle be; your futile attempts to Capitalistic Ideology the Capitalistic Ideology will backfire and the people will be heard.

The contrast here, by the Ideolpgy, is deliberate because the issue here is so general it covers conflicting issues like this. When people don't want people to speak out they will label and Ideolgy and they'll do this in numerous ways and for numerous reasons. It's why people must really ask themselves if what they're being told is legitimate, why they must question things which they might take as givens, because that's what this kind of thing relies on, it relies on you restricting yourself in what you are prepared continue reading contemplate. People say communism is evil without thinking about why that is so, but what I encourage is not just to think about why something is wrong but to actually question whether Capitalistic Ideology is wrong and don't do so timidly with a conclusion already in mind. Communism wasn't made because some stereotypical villain decided he wanted to Capitalistic Ideology evil for evil's sake, things are more complex than that.

There's nothing those in power hate more than someone who isn't willing to accept the status quo, to question things, to ask why is it like that? More importantly though, it stops you from becoming radicalised. Question your own side, question how Ideoloby are done.

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Radicals hate being questioned. Find a side that doesn't mind being questioned and you've found a side worth supporting and yes, neither of the political parties fit the bill.

Capitalistic Ideology

He was a rapist and he is dead. Smithnikovat Featured By Owner 5 days ago Disgusting as you are, sometimes, you are very welcome and refreshingly honest. I like that part.]

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