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Brazilian Indigenous People

Brazilian Indigenous People Video

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Brazilian Indigenous People - advise you

But the government has yet to act. The tension has escalated in recent weeks after a group of miners brought equipment to the area. Indigenous people also fear that miners could spread the Covid virus in their communities. Members of Munduruku communities who oppose the mining and have reported the invasions to the authorities say they have faced threats and intimidation. On March 19, armed men reportedly prevented a group of Munduruku Indigenous people from disembarking from their boats in an area within their territory. The attackers destroyed furniture and equipment and set fire to documents, Indigenous leaders reported. In three of its villages, 58 percent of residents tested for the study had unsafe levels of mercury in their blood. Mercury poisoning can cause lifelong brain damage and other serious, irreversible health conditions. These measures produced just a single large operation by the environmental agencies over the course of two years, in May , a federal prosecutor told Human Rights Watch. In June , federal prosecutors again said that federal agencies should curb mining within Munduruku lands and urged the Federal Police to act to remove the trespassers. Brazilian Indigenous People Brazilian Indigenous People

April 20, by Extractives Baraza 0 An indigenous woman takes part Brazilian Indigenous People a protest along with people from various ethnic groups Brazilian Indigenous People a protest against the proposal of the federal government to legalize mining in indigenous lands, in front of Planalto Palace in Brasilia on April 19, Image source: CNN. Miners gets out, Agrobusiness get out! Bolsonaro get out! Last week, organizations of farmers and miners kicked off a coordinated pressure campaign, meeting with government representatives and urging the Congress to review and pass Billwhich would regulate mining including oil and gas projects, as Peoplee as hydroelectric dams, on indigenous territories for the first time.

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Indigenous groups in Brasilia were also protesting Brazillian bills here give Congress the power to demarcate protected traditional lands instead of indigenous affairs agency FUNAI and demanding that that the federal government adhere to a Supreme Court decision last August to remove miners from indigenous lands. There are nearly demarcated indigenous territories in Brazil.

Brazilian Indigenous People

President Bolsonaro signed Bill in February last year. Illegal miners have been accused of threatening Munduruku members who report their activity on indigenous lands. While the President has passed several executive orders Inditenous laws to protect the Amazon, he has simultaneously slashed funding to government-run environmental protection and monitoring programs, and pushed to open indigenous lands to commercial farming and mining — acts which have cost him credibility among Brazilian Indigenous People in the country.]

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