Blumler And Katzs Use And Gratification Theory - Custom Academic Help

Blumler And Katzs Use And Gratification Theory Video

Uses and Gratifications Theory - UGT Blumler And Katzs Use And Gratification Theory

At the end of this unit, you should be able to: explain media effects issues and debate explain the various paradigms and traditions in the mass media effects studies.

In other words, school of thoughts exist as regard to the limited or minimal effects of the mass media. The arguments and their counter arguments are presented below as organized by Stanley Baran, associate professor of communication in Baran — Most film and television dramas are intentionally produced to seem real to viewers, with documentary-like production techniques such as hand held cameras and uneven lighting. Much contemporary television programmes like talkshow and reality shows are expressly real. Advertising is Gratificatkon to tell the truthBefore they develop the intellectual and critical capacity to know what is not real, children confront the world in all its splendor and vulgarity through television and what television effects researchers call the early winded.

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To kids, what they see is real. To enjoy what we consume, we willingly suspend disbelief that is, we willingly accept as real what is put before us.

Blumler And Katzs Use And Gratification Theory

Media content has limited impact on audiences because it is only play or just entertainment. Counter-arguments News is not play or entertainment Even if media content is only play, play is very important to the way we develop our knowledge of ourselves and our world.

Blumler And Katzs Use And Gratification Theory

Counter-arguments: Media hold a very selective mirror. The whole world in all its vastness and complexity cannot possibly be represented, so media practitioners must make choices. In other words, some things are over-represented in Uwe media, others under-represented and still others disappear altogether. If media have any effect at all it is only to reinforce pre-existing values and benefits.

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Family, church, school, and other socializing agents are much better. Counte-rarguments: The traditional socializing agents have lost much of their power to influence in our complicated and fast-paced world. Moreover, reinforcing effects are not the same as having no effect. If the media can reinforce the good in our culture, media can just as easily reinforce the bad. If media have any effects at all they are only on the unimportant things in our lives, such as Grahification and fashion.]

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