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Bartolome Island Essay

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Galapagos Islands: Bartolome Island

Bartolome Island Essay - are not

Behavior is demonstrated in a lot of diverse areas in the field of psychology. Some of these examples are mental illness, relationships, sexuality, depression, family dynamics, or culture. Accepting of behavior is picked up by various techniques and it could be from society or changes in individuals or the overall population. Psychologists look at various factors such as experimentation, observation, and analysis and psychoanalysis methods. The area has a lot of different branches some areas to be looked at to be applied are research, consultants in governments, or societies or health care organization. Psychologist are able to work by themselves or with a group or team of psychologists. Bartolome Island Essay


Their language is considered to have belonged to the Arawak language familythe languages of which were historically present throughout the Caribbean, and much of Central Bartolome Island Essay South America. Linguists continue to debate whether the Carib language is an Arawakan dialect or creole language. They also speculate that it was an independent language isolate, with an Arawakan pidgin used for communication purposes with other peoples, as in trading. This is indicated by linguistic, cultural and ceramic evidence.

They migrated to Iwland Orinoco valley Bartolome Island Essay the north coast. From there they reached the Caribbean by way of what is now Guyana and Venezuela into Trinidadmigrating along the Lesser Antilles to Cuba and the Bahamian archipelago. Evidence that supports this theory includes the tracing of the ancestral cultures of these people to the Orinoco Valley, and their languages to the Amazon Basin.

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Julian H. Stewardwho originated this Bartolome Island Essay, suggests a migration from the Andes to the Caribbean and a parallel migration into Central America and into the GuianasVenezuela, and the Amazon Basin of South America. They were governed by male chiefs known as caciqueswho inherited their position through their mother's noble line. This was a matrilineal kinship system, with social status passed through the female lines.

Bartolome Island Essay

When a male heir did not exist, the inheritance or succession Bartolome Island Essay go to the oldest male child of the sister of the deceased. He was more important in the lives of his niece's children than their biological father; the uncle introduced the boys to men's societies in his sister and his family's clan.

Bartolome Island Essay

Men, and sometimes women, might have two or three spouses. A few caciques had as many as 30 wives, related to their wealth and ability to support them. The people depended on it, but the men also fished and hunted. They made fishing nets and ropes from cotton and palm. Their dugout canoes kanoa were made in various sizes, which could hold from 2 to people. An average-sized Isand would hold about 15—20 people. They used bows and arrows for hunting, and developed the Bartolome Island Essay of poisons on their arrowheads. After marriage, women wore a small cotton apron, called a nagua. Essqy in Puerto Rico and Hispaniola were the largest, and those in the Bahamas were the smallest. In the center of a typical village Bartolome Island Essay a central plaza, used for various social activities, such as games, festivals, religious ritualsand public ceremonies. These plazas had many shapes, including oval, rectangular, narrow, and elongated.

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Ceremonies where the deeds of the ancestors were celebrated, called areitos, were performed here. These houses, built surrounding the central plaza, could hold 10—15 families each.

Bartolome Island Essay

Opposing teams had 10 to 30 players per team and used a solid rubber ball.]

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