Art Therapy: A Phenomenological Analysis - Custom Academic Help

Art Therapy: A Phenomenological Analysis

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Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London Abstract This doctoral portfolio comprises of three sections: a research study, a clinical case study, and a publishable journal article. The first section of the portfolio is the doctoral dissertation: The lived experience of European banking professionals facing Brexit - a qualitative study. This interpretative phenomenological analysis IPA study represented one of the first to give London-based European banking professionals a platform to explore their lived experiences and sense-making process of Brexit. These eight participants did not vote to decide their future in the UK i. This case presents a twelve-session Narrative Therapy NT work with a HIV-positive person who was in the process of making sense of their complex life experiences. Living with a chronic condition like HIV and trying to find meanings in traumatic life events can be challenging and render one to feel out of control. Using a NT approach in HIV counselling gives people a safe, non-judgemental space for their full disclosure and to see their life differently, which can also be an empowering experience. Last but not least, this case study demonstrates the importance of the therapeutic alliance in exploring the breadth and depth of these issues. The final part of this portfolio is a publishable journal article: The lived experiences of European banking professionals facing Brexit - — an interpretative phenomenological analysis IPA study. Art Therapy: A Phenomenological Analysis

Di Indonesia, provinsi yang menduduki peringkat kedua dengan jumlah penderita terbanyak adalah Jawa Timur.

Art Therapy: A Phenomenological Analysis

Salah satu kabupaten yang berada di provinsi Jawa Timur yaitu Kabupaten Mojokerto. Soekandar berdasarkan faktor yang mempengaruhinya menggunakan regresi Cox Proportional Hazard yang merupakan regresi semiparametrik pada analisis survival dimana variabel responnya adalah waktu survival.

Art Therapy: A Phenomenological Analysis

Soekandar Kabupaten Mojokerto masih tinggi yakni berkisar antara 0,75 hingga 1. In Indonesia, provinces ranked second with there most were East Java.

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One district lying in East Java district Mojokerto. Soekandar based upon the influence it uses regression cox proportional hazard that is regression semiparametric in the survival analysis where response variable is survival time. Soekandar district Mojokerto still high at ranges from 0,75 until 1.

Art Therapy: A Phenomenological Analysis

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