Anti-Retroviral Therapy - Custom Academic Help

Anti-Retroviral Therapy - you

Department of Health and Human Services. This assay amplifies and sequences the HIV-1 integrase gene and reports mutations at positions associated with integrase inhibitor drug resistance. The use of CCR5 antagonists, therefore, requires screening for viral tropism to exclude patients harboring X4 or DM virus. Detection of X4 virus prior to the initiation of therapy has been associated with a reduced response to maraviroc. Identify transmitted drug resistance mutations in the RT, PR or integrase genes in treatment-naive patients prior to initiation of antiretroviral therapy. Anti-Retroviral Therapy.

Anti-Retroviral Therapy - consider

Classes of medication[ edit ] Schematic description of the mechanism of the four classes of available antiretroviral drugs against HIV There are six classes of drugs, which are usually used in combination, to treat HIV infection. Antiretroviral ARV drugs are broadly classified by the phase of the retrovirus life-cycle that the drug inhibits. Typical combinations include two nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors NRTI as a "backbone" along with one non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor NNRTI , protease inhibitor PI or integrase inhibitors also known as integrase nuclear strand transfer inhibitors or INSTIs as a "base. Maraviroc and enfuvirtide are the two available agents in this class. Maraviroc works by targeting CCR5 , a co-receptor located on human helper T-cells. Caution should be used when administering this drug, however, due to a possible shift in tropism which allows HIV to target an alternative co-receptor such as CXCR4. In rare cases, individuals may have a mutation in the CCR5 delta gene which results in a nonfunctional CCR5 co-receptor and in turn, a means of resistance or slow progression of the disease. Enfuvirtide is a peptide drug that must be injected and acts by interacting with the N-terminal heptad repeat of gp41 of HIV to form an inactive hetero six-helix bundle, therefore preventing infection of host cells. Since the conversion of RNA to DNA is not naturally done in the mammalian cell, it is performed by a viral protein, reverse transcriptase , which makes it a selective target for inhibition. Anti-Retroviral Therapy

It may increase the risk of drug resistance, prolonged infection or death.

Anti-Retroviral Therapy

Anti-Retroviral Therapy aim of this study was to explore and describe factors that contributed to patients defaulting in taking Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy HAART in Oshakati and to propose appropriate interventions. The method used in the study was a combined quantitative and qualitative approach mixed method.

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A cohort of patients who defaulted in their Anti-Retroviral Therapy treatment in Oshakati as at the end of July was identified using the pharmacy ART dispensing tool that could generate a list of defaulters for that month. In the quantitative phase a structured questionnaire with potential predictor factors drawn from literature review was administered to 76 In the qualitative phase, a focus group discussion comprising of 12 was conducted.

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Anti-Retroviral Therapy

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