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COMING OF AGE IN THE CATCHER IN THE RYE 20 hours ago · Tobacco use is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease and the only avoidable risk factor associated with development of aortic aneurysm. While smoking is the most common. 20 hours ago · Tobacco use is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease and the only avoidable risk factor associated with development of aortic aneurysm. While smoking is the most common.
Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument

Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument - agree with


While Anaalysis is the most common form of tobacco use, snuff and other oral tobacco products are gaining popularity, but research on potentially toxic effects of oral tobacco use has not kept pace with the increase in its use. Here, we demonstrate that cigarette smoke and snuff extracts are highly toxic to developing zebrafish embryos. Exposure to such extracts led to a palette of toxic effects including Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument embryonic mortality, developmental delay, cerebral hemorrhages, defects in lymphatics development and ventricular function, and aneurysm development.


Both cigarette smoke and snuff were more toxic Anaysis pure nicotine, indicating that other compounds in these products are also associated with toxicity. While some toxicities were found following exposure to both types of tobacco product, other toxicities, including developmental delay and aneurysm development, were specifically observed in the snuff extract group, whereas cerebral hemorrhages were only found in the group exposed to cigarette smoke extract.

Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument

These findings deepen our understanding of the pathogenic effects of cigarette smoking and snuff use on the cardiovascular system and illustrate the check this out of using zebrafish to study mechanisms involved in aneurysm development. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of mortality in Farenkels world and tobacco use is the principal contributor to the development of cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure and aortic Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument Ezzati et al. There are about substances in tobacco and this figure rises to different chemicals upon combustion Adam et al.

The content of smoke is directly introduced into the alveoli of the lung during smoking, and within seconds crosses into the blood stream and reaches the brain. Smoking Arugment the substances more effectively than intravenous administration Hukkanen et al. This may be one reason why nicotine replacement products are not very popular among Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument Dome et al.

While smoking is the most common use of tobacco, keeping tobacco in the oral cavity for prolonged periods of time chewing or snuffing is also popular, especially in some societies. Both types of tobacco use lead to numerous compounds with potentially harmful effects, including nicotine, being taken up by the organism. One of the toxic effects of chemicals present in tobacco products including cigarettes and snuff is degradation of elastin Eurlings et al.

Elastin is a protein that facilitates elasticity of various organs such as skin, arteries and heart valves. In humans all elastin is produced during embryogenesis with no regeneration after this period. Elastin in healthy individuals has a half-life of 40 years Rucker et al.

Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument

Abdominal aortic aneurysm AAA is a common cardiovascular disease coupled to loss of elastin, which is strongly correlated to smoking Landenhed et al. Snuff use is a common practice in Scandinavia, with a presently poorly understood toxicity profile and unknown effect on the risk of AAA development.


Snuff use is not associated with pulmonary pathologies, one of the most obvious toxicities associated with smoking. Compared to smoking cigarettes, snuff use does not lead to as high a risk of myocardial infarction Huhtasaari et al. However, the use of snuff raises the hazard ratio for coronary heart disease Johansson et al. This could be due to the facts that snuff contains different chemicals to cigarettes, that the tobacco packages are kept longer in the person compared to cigarette smoke such that chemicals with other absorption profiles may take effect, or that the administration route of the snuff-derived chemicals is through the digestive tract rather than through the respiratory tract.

The use of snuff, as well as other non-smoked tobacco products, by millions of people world-wide, coupled to the known risks associated Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument chemicals found in tobacco for the development Analysis Of Fraenkels Argument cardiovascular diseases, makes it imperative learn more here develop a better understanding of how snuffing affects the cardiovascular system.]

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