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Analysis Of Crocodile Tears By Jack Marx

Analysis Of Crocodile Tears By Jack Marx Video

Phi 1 Pt 15 2 of 2 Wake of Hegel Feuerbach Marx Nietzsche Analysis Of Crocodile Tears By Jack Marx

This year it begins the evening of March 23, ending at sunset March Purim is hilarious and subversive, exactly one lunar loony moonth before Passover -- and then Passover is the serious celebration of birth and freedom. In the same way, Mardi Gras is hilarious and subversive, 40 days before Easter -- and then Easter Analysis Of Crocodile Tears By Jack Marx the serious festival of life renewed and resurrected.

The biblical Scroll of Esther that is traditionally read during Purim is not a factual history; it is itself the first purim-shpiel, a satire on stupid and tyrannical governments, especially on hatred of minorities and women. Its main characters are the feckless King Ahasuerus, his bloody-minded Prime Minister Haman, the doomed Queen Vashti, the would-be Queen Esther who hopes to lead an alternative government, and her clever adviser Uncle Mordechai.


It's the biggest scepter in the world. When I hold it out Crocofile wave it in front of everybody, especially the ladies of the court, they all bow and faint in awe. When I wave the scepter, she gets so angry she starts bleeding from wherever. Assassinate whoever you want. People on their way to a wedding. Your predecessor Panorama used to do it, too. Worked fine. Any more advice?

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First, demonize the Muslims. Next, put refugees and people who claim they need asylum in detention camps. I do that with African refugees, and it works fine. If you are speaking somewhere and somebody stands up to disagree, shake your scepter at them. If they don't shut up, urge your supporters to beat them up.

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And if that doesn't stop people from making trouble, here is what we do: we make people who don't like me wear little tags wherever they go saying that they are foreign agents. Works fine. After all, I'm the Prime Minister.

Analysis Of Crocodile Tears By Jack Marx

And you, even better; you are the King! And if that is still not Analyzis, here we have people we call "shtetlers. They have rifles and submachine guns and assault weapons. Since we actually have some real live terrorists among our Muslims, the " shtetlers " already think the only way to defend themselves is to shoot first and ask questions afterwards.

Analysis Of Crocodile Tears By Jack Marx

So if you have any trouble … And by the way, if somebody asks you to repudiate people like that, just fumf around for a while. Ask — —"What's wrong with supremacy? We should all be supreme, just like me!

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We can teach your CIA about it anytime you say the word. We already know.

Analysis Of Crocodile Tears By Jack Marx

Trouble is, some of the kids get so traumatized and angry they become terrorists.]

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