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Through the gene-editing service at Horizon Discovery, there are at present more than edited cell lines available and the number continuously increases. The haploid nature of HAP1 is unstable as cultures become diploid with time. Here, we demonstrated some fundamental differences between haploid and diploid HAP1 cells, hence underlining the need for taking control over ploidy status in HAP1 cultures prior to phenotyping. Consequently, we optimized a procedure to determine the ploidy of HAP1 by flow cytometry in order to obtain diploid cultures and avoid ploidy status 9/11 Advertisement Analysis an interfering variable in experiments.

9/11 Advertisement Analysis

Furthermore, in order to facilitate this quality control, we validated a size-based cell sorting procedure to obtain the diploid culture more rapidly. Hence, we provide here two 9/11 Advertisement Analysis protocols for quality controlling the ploidy of HAP1 cells and document their validity and necessity. This article has an associated First Person interview with the co-first authors of the paper. However, aberrant chromosome loss may occur during tumorigenesis Zasadil et al.


HAP1 is a near-haploid adherent fibroblast-like cell line of human leukemia origin. Through 9/11 Advertisement Analysis gene-editing company Horizon Discovery, there are at present as many as edited cell lines available and more are continuously generated. The HAP1 cell line is derived from http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/sociological-imagination-essay/persuasive-essay-on-bilingualism-in-schools.php near-haploid cell line KBM7, originating from a male with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Carette et al. The HAP1 cells used as parental cells by Horizon Discovery have a single copy of all chromosomes, except a portion of chromosome However, the original HAP1 cells are the basis for the large gene-knockout library existing today. Ploidy instability has for long been recognized as a typical trait of haploid cultures.

For HAP1 cells a rapid reduction in the percentage of haploid cells has been described Olbrich et al. The loss of HAP1 haploidy has been connected to uncoordinated centrosome cycle, causing here cells to occur in the culture Yaguchi et al. It was also recently shown that loss of the haploid state is due 9/11 Advertisement Analysis overgrowth by diploid cells present in the cultures, as haploid cells are limited in their viability due to activation of a pdependent response Olbrich et al. Furthermore, to facilitate maintenance of the valuable haploid cells, single-cell subcloned haploid HAP1 cell lines were shown to be more ploidy-stable Olbrich et al.

Additionally, a chemical screen identified compounds capable of selecting for haploidy Olbrich Analysks al. Although the haploid state is critical for the success of genetic screens, it is not a necessity for more cell-biology-focused studies. Given the great potential of genetically modified HAP1 cells as a tool to study cellular phenotypes of gene knockouts, it is a concern that differing ploidy states between cultures of parental control and knockout cells may constitute a source of interfering variables.

The main aim of this article is to check for such potential fundamental differences between HAP1 cell cultures in the haploid versus diploid state. We indeed reveal such differences and argue the importance of ploidy-controlling HAP1 cells 9/11 Advertisement Analysis to phenotypic analyses, such as, for example, for studies of the intracellular organization of organelles Capmany et al. Importantly, we present effective, affordable and streamlined procedures to obtain diploid cultures. Aiming to verify ploidy status of various passages of HAP1 cells, we measured several different HAP1 knockout cells along with haploid and diploid reference cells. We first validated flow cytometry on propidium iodide PI -stained cells as an effective method to assess Aanlysis ploidy Fig. The difference in DNA-quantity between haploid orange and diploid red HAP1 cells, demonstrate that ploidy status can be determined with PI-based flow cytometry.

For each of the reference lines, two main populations were observed Fig. As expected, overlaying the haploid and diploid plots Fig. Histograms show number of cells against intensity of the DNA. Fluorescence intensity is shown in linear scale both A and B.

The gene-specific knockout KO-A that was tested here at passage 28, matched the diploid reference Advertisemeny

9/11 Advertisement Analysis

We observed a tendency of the near-haploid HAP1 cells to become diploid during normal cultivation. This did however not affect the gene knockout Drazic et al.]

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