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Usually children who are being bullied are either weaker or smaller, are shy, and generally feel helpless. Bullying most commonly takes place at school, when adults are not watching, or through email or instant messages. Whether your child is the one being bullied, doing the bullying, or simply a bystander, there are a number of measures you can take as a parent to improve their social skills and decrease their involvement in this detrimental practice. Victims of bullying can learn how to respond safely to physical, verbal, and social bullying. Children who are bullies can change their behavior. Why Bullying Is Bad

Select Page Bullying is bad for business. And why it takes at least three people for bullying to happen.

Why Bullying Is Bad

Just last week I had a small group visit Carambola HQ, 16 to be Why Bullying Is Bad, comprising the Student Council of a Carambola client Primary School, ranging in age from 5 to 12 years. He was bullied in 3rd class, he was bullied in 4th class, again in 5th class and 6th class. He changed schools and left behind many of his old classmates as Bac entered second level school and he hoped that the bullying was behind him. Steven was bullied again in 1st year, and in 2nd year, and in 3rd year. One day he had had enough and he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Example Of Essay About Bullying - Bullying Essay Tips, Topic Ideas, and Samples

And so he call them out. We are just different. Steven was free. So, where am I going with this? It took a complex subject and made it real and yet easy for a young audience and the older audience reading this to Why Bullying Is Bad. Allow me explain: I, like most people used believe that there were two characters in any bullying plot, two sides of the same coin if you will, neither a good place to be. Not good to be bullied for sure, not good to be so sad that one must bully.

Why Bullying Is Bad

But there is a third player in every bullying incident; do you know who? And by doing nothing, whose side are they on by default? By doing nothing bystanders side with the bully.

Cyber Bullying Essays - Essay about bullying in schools

I was horrified and so am deciding not to be bystander. Bullying is wrong. Being a bully is wrong. Allowing oneself to be bullied is wrong. Being a bystander is wrong.

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And it is wrong whether it is happening in a 1st class in school amongst 5 year olds, and it is wrong in arguably the highest office in the world and it is wrong everywhere in between. So I ask you. Is there bullying in your home? Are you engaged in bullying?

Why Bullying Is Bad

Are you a bully? Are you being bullied? Are you a bystander endorsing the behavior of a bully? Oh, by the way, Steven is doing fine. Thanks for thinking with me. Yours truly.]

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