What Should I Be Moral Essay - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

What Should I Be Moral Essay

What Should I Be Moral Essay - certainly right

Your paper should be a minimum of words in length. The challenge of ability to reason out and the existence of moral standards allure humans to continually search for what could be universally good. Many moral theories have been formulated by famous philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle and Plato during the time of ancient ethics. Today, drastic changes in society can be observed with regards to its moral standards. The comparative analysis in terms of the applications and effects of these theories to all humans in the modern setting is the key point of argumentation.

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What Should I Be Moral Essay

What Should I Be Moral Essay - variant

When an agent performs an action which is morally correct according to a consequentialist calculation, they may experience guilt, sadness, or other negative emotions despite the moral rightness of what they did. These perceptions are often sculptured by their diverse cultural backgrounds thereby bringing varying moral perceptions of global issues. In corporate social responsibility, the social concept of morality can be traced to the traditional ethical theories attributed to ethical decision making especially among business personnel. These theories can be classified as either non-consequentialist or consequentialist theories. Introduction There is little doubt that Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics are by far the two most important ethical theories throughout contemporary philosophy.

Question Description While on duty, a uniformed police officer went to a crowded neighborhood deli at lunchtime to buy a sandwich.

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The deli owner, Ari, told the officer that it was on the house and payment was not necessary. What professional and ethical standards should be in place from the police department to assist this officer in his decision making, and why should they be put in place?

What Should I Be Moral Essay

A corrections officer was assigned to patrol Cell Block 4. Cigarettes are not allowed on prison property.

What Should I Be Moral Essay

While the officer was patrolling the cell block, Ray was smoking a cigarette. If Ray is reported by the officer, he will not be eligible for parole. Ray pleads the officer to not report him.

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What professional and ethical standards should be in place from the prison administration to assist this officer with decision making, and why should they be put in place? Explain why this law is applicable to this situation. Select one court case from the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document where ethics or professional practice was a driving factor, and discuss the impact of that case in reshaping the role of the practitioner in the court system.

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