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Virtue In Socratess Apology

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Opinion: Virtue In Socratess Apology

Language Through Literature: Language Through Literature 2 days ago · Plato Apology Socrates is accused on several accounts. What are they? 1. Not recognizing the gods recognized by the state 2. Inventing new deities 3. Corrupting the youth of athens If Socrates were acquitted only if he gave up philosophy, how would he react? Did Socrates ever charge a fee? 2 days ago · The Plato, Apology of Socrates. The Plato’s Apology is an account of the speech that was made by Socrates in his trial for which he was charged for not honoring the states gods but rather developed his deities. He was charged with not corrupting the youth of Athens the speech is not an apology but rather self-defense. 2 days ago · 7 Facts About Socrates, the Enigmatic Greek Street Philosopher April 19, One of the giants of Western philosophy, Socrates ( to B.C.E.) .
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Virtue In Socratess Apology Virtue In Socratess Apology

While scholars agree that Socrates changed philosophy forever, they argue furiously over who he was and what he really believed. We spoke with Debra Nails, professor emerita of philosophy at Michigan State University, to learn how the Socratic method turned education on its head, and why Socrates' infamous trial and execution remains the "founding myth" of academic philosophy.

Virtue In Socratess Apology

Here are some facts to help you get to know Socrates. A brilliant intellect, he chose not to pursue money, power or fame, but to live in abject poverty as a troublemaking street philosopher. And if you believe the descriptions of his appearance by his student Plato and the comic playwright Aristophanes, Socrates was one ugly dude. First, Socrates was dirty and disheveled, wandering the streets in his unwashed bedclothes, his hair long and greasy.

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Nails says that Socrates' unattractive appearance was probably as offensive to his critics as his confrontational questioning style. The painting "Xantippe Dousing Socrates," by Reyer van Blommendael portrays an incident when his wife was so enraged with Socrates, she emptied a chamber pot on his read more. Of his wife, Socrates said, "I know full well, if I can tolerate her spirit, I can with ease attach myself to every human being else.

He didn't fit the Greek ideal and I'm sure that bothered them. But since he spent all his Virtue In Socratess Apology philosophizing rather than earning a living, there was perhaps much to complain about.

Virtue In Socratess Apology

The couple had two sons together. He Wasn't a 'Teacher' Even though Plato is sometimes referred to as his "star pupil," Socrates flatly rejected the title of "teacher," or at least in the way that the Greeks understood the role of a teacher.

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The important thing is for each person to be involved in the intellectual labor required to come to conclusions. The Socratic Method Was Genius Virtue In Socratess Apology Work Instead of writing dry philosophical treatises or lecturing students on the nature of knowledge, Socrates preferred a far more entertaining way of getting to the bottom of thorny questions. He'd hang around all day in the Agora, the bustling outdoor marketplace of Athens, and ask people questions. No one was immune from Socrates' playful interrogations — young, old, male, female, politician or prostitute — and crowds of young Athenians would gather to watch Socrates use his stinging wit and unbreakable logic to force his victims into intellectual corners.

Analysis Of Plato's Apology On The Man Of Save The Day, But Not Himself

The more pompous Socgatess pretentious the victim, the better. It's known today as the Socratic method, but Nails says that Socrates wouldn't have recognized go here passes for Virtue In Socratess Apology Socratic method in places like law schools, where professors pepper students with questions until they arrive at a predetermined answer. Socrates never claimed that he had the answer to whatever question was being posed — from the nature of knowledge to the meaning of life. For him, the Socratic method was an exercise in breaking down false assumptions and exposing ignorance so that the individual being questioned — not Socrates — could arrive at something true.

The Presentation of Socrates' Arguements in Plato’s Apology and Crito

After a young poet named Aristocles witnessed Socrates' marketplace spectacle, he went home and burned all his plays and poems. That kid would become the philosopher known as Plato. Neither men wrote the texts for which they're best known, but figure as main characters in the writings of others.]

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