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Pictures can bring on a wave of emotions. It can make someone frustrated, angry, ecstatic, or fearful. They can be taken to produce these emotions from the viewers but sometimes pictures taken at the spur of the moment can have a greater impact than the plan pictures. The image of the Raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima was an image taken for history. Joe Rosenthal did not know the effect this picture was going to cause the people of his….

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Vimy Essays 3 days ago · Unit Canada’s Experiences in World War 1 Perspectives Essay Assignment /35 marks In this section you have explored Canada’s role in World War One. When the war broke out in thousands of young Canadian men of English, French and Aboriginal descent that were loyal to Britain and/or Canada joined the Canadian armed forces. However as WWI raged on, it became more . 5 days ago · The largest prompt personal essay writing percentage increase (from 1. 8 to educate the subject headings. And conclusions,) we ll end up making a good writer anticipates questions and classify the kinds of motivation: 1 a student assignment on socioeconomic status. 1 day ago · December Chairman's Essay. Promotions.
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