Vijay Tendulkar Essays - Custom Academic Help

Vijay Tendulkar Essays Vijay Tendulkar Essays. Vijay Tendulkar Essays

He has authored one book and also edited a volume of critical essays. Chakraborty has contributed many articles in reputed national journals and anthologies. This edited volume on Indian Drama in English, including Indian plays in English translation, with contributions from experts specializing on the different playwrights, covers the Esays of major dramatists who have given a distinctive shape to this enormous mass of creative material.

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This comprehensive and well-researched text, in its second edition, continues to explore the major Indian playwrights in English. The book focuses on different aspects of their plays and Vijay Tendulkar Essays how the Indian Drama in English, while maintaining its relation with the tradition, has made bold innovations and fruitful experiments in terms of both thematic and technical excellence.

The essays added give a panoramic view of the plays in succinct style and simple language. The book is intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of English literature.

Vijay Tendulkar Essays

Besides, it will also be valuable for those who wish to delve deeper into the plays covered and analyzed in the text. Score: 3.]

Vijay Tendulkar Essays

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