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Exploring the Mysterious VATICAN CITY, Smallest Country in the World 🇻🇦

Vatican City - amusing information

Solidarity of Good Samaritan Echoing the reflection of Pope Francis on the pandemic, Cardinal Turkson said we are "on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other". The health emergency has shown us once again "that no one is saved alone" and that "in the midst of our tempest, [the Lord] invites us to reawaken and put into practice that solidarity and hope capable of giving strength, support and meaning to these hours when everything seems to be floundering". In this context, the cardinal said, the Pope encourages us to avoid indifference and live this time like the Good Samaritan, a model to build real and new relationships with others. We are all called to be co-responsible for transformation processes focusing on the person and creating a culture of inclusion, integration and support. World Circus Federation The World Circus Federation is the only international organization with the primary goal of promoting circus arts and culture worldwide. Vatican City. Vatican City

Female residents[ edit ] Among the women who lived in Vatican City was one of the daughters of an electrician, who later got married and "lost her right to live" in the city. Women obtain Vatican City citizenship by marriage as a baptized Catholic to their husbands; however such citizenship "lasts only for the duration of their stay" Ciyy Vatican City. Women and men visiting St. Low Vatican City sleeveless clothing, shorts, miniskirts and hats for men, indoors are not allowed.

Vatican City

Women may or may not wear the traditional "black hat or veil". Dress code for Papal audiences is somewhat more formal.

Vatican City

The Popewho Vatican City Vatlcan the head of stateis elected by the College of Cardinals of the Catholic Church. Cardinals in the Catholic Church are required to be male, with voting Cardinals generally always Bishops, and only men are eligible to be elected Pope. With that being said, however, the cardinalate is a privilege and office bestowed by the Pope; it is not a separate, fourth degree of Holy Orders, along with deacon, priest, and Bishop, though it ranks above them, so theoretically, the laws could be amended to allow Vatican City women to be Cardinals, though that is read more very unlikely.]

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