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Why the UN security council matters United Nations Security Council Essays United Nations Security Council Essays

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The international system has gone through such a rapid transformation to the extent that the UN structures as they were at the time of its establishment are making the UN not to function effectively as expected by majority of its members. Hence, the argument that Securty Security Council membership is expanded to include major financial contributors and the equitable representation of the regional spread. There is every indication that Nigeria has all it takes to represent Africa in an enlarged Security Council.

United Nations Security Council Essays

But considering the vagaries associated with international politics a lot still need to be done by Nigeria to garner overwhelming support from Africa to enable her emerge as a consensus candidate for Africa. This paper research work was able to find out the reasons for the sudden clamour for the democratization of the United Nations Security Council and the possibility of Nigeria being accepted into this seat.

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Currently no African state is a permanent member of the security council and this is a major reason why Africa was allotted two slots in the non permanent members of the security council been that Africa is the second most populated continent in the world behind Asia. One of the biggest achievements of Nigeria in her fifty four years of independence is being a non permanent member of the Security Council. The current reform of the United Nations is golden opportunity which Nigeria cannot afford to Literary Essays. Being a member of this exclusive club will be recognition click here the country s strength, economic and strategic importance and political maturity.

Despite all her short comings, Nigeria has emerged biggest democracy on the Unites continent. The return of the country to the part of democracy after years United Nations Security Council Essays successive military regime has increased its legitimacy in internal affairs. Nigeria has Sedurity immensely too many peace keeping operations around the world.

If these and other credentials are to yield the desired result the country must contend with the slow pace of economic recovery, the challenges posed by other serious African contenders particularly Egypt and South Africa. The consequences also spread fast and given the asymmetrical nature of the world, they have different and varying impact.

The representatives were well aware of the guiding principles of the League of Nations, and also of its multiple failures. Though many felt that the League of Nations had the capacity to discuss significant international affairs, the body was not constructed in a manner which was able to produce successful measures to deter aggression and prevent conflict.

This handicapped the League from the beginning by preventing it from achieving United Nations Security Council Essays financial backing and international political support. Thus, tasks were often mismanaged. Additionally, all resolutions required a unanimous Essays to pass, a rarity in the arena of international politics.

United Nations Security Council Essays

Inthe nations represented at Dumbarton Oaks were mindful of these,… 1. S Akpotor and P. These they have done without paying adequate regards to the complex implications, which may not necessarily be negative, that the bid could attract to Nigeria. However, the groundswell of anomie within her confines and the grave ignominy in which she is held by some of her neighbors, no thanks to the fraudulent activities of some of her citizens in diasporas and some of the elites that are wont to siphon and launder funds from the governmental coffers, seem capable of hurting her candidature.

Is there any likelihood that the UNSC would be restructured in order to accommodate new permanent members?]

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