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The Value Of Mindfulness Essay

The Value Of Mindfulness Essay - for

Psychology[ edit ] A. Hayes and G. Feldman have highlighted that mindfulness can be seen as a strategy that stands in contrast to a strategy of avoidance of emotion on the one hand and to the strategy of emotional over-engagement on the other hand. Some have viewed mindfulness as a mental state, while others have viewed it as a set of skills and techniques. Black, whereas "mindfulness" originally was associated with esoteric beliefs and religion, and "a capacity attainable only by certain people", [92] scientific researchers have translated the term into measurable terms, providing a valid operational definition of mindfulness. Hick, mindfulness practice involves both formal and informal meditation practices, and nonmeditation-based exercises. The Value Of Mindfulness Essay.

PLOS Summary: The observation that most of the viruses that hTe human diseases come from other animals has led some researchers to attempt 'zoonotic risk prediction' to second-guess the next virus to hit us. However, in a new essay, experts propose that these zoonotic risk predictions are of limited value and will not tell us which virus will cause the next pandemic.

Share: FULL STORY The observation that most of the viruses that cause human disease come from other animals has led some researchers to attempt "zoonotic risk prediction" to second-guess the next virus to hit us.

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However, in an Essay publishing April 20th in the open access journal PLOS Biology, led by Dr Michelle Wille at the University of Sydney, Australia with co-authors Jemma Geoghegan and Edward Holmes, it is proposed that these zoonotic risk predictions are of limited value and will not tell us which virus will cause the next pandemic. Instead, we should target the human-animal interface for intensive viral surveillance. This is exactly what is occurring today with the COVID pandemic: the novel coronavirus responsible for this disease -- SARS-CoV-2 -- emerged from an animal species, although exactly which species is uncertain. Therefore, a key question is whether we can predict which or which virus group will most likely The Value Of Mindfulness Essay the next Mindulness

The Value Of Mindfulness Essay

Dr Wille and her colleagues identify several key problems with zoonotic risk prediction attempts. First, they're based on tiny data sets. Despite decades of work, we have probably identified less than 0.

The Value Of Mindfulness Essay

Second, these data are also highly biased towards those viruses that most infect humans or agricultural animals, or are already known to zoonotic. The Vaalue is that most animals have not been surveyed for viruses, and that viruses evolve so quickly that any such surveys will soon be out of date and so of limited value.

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The authors instead argue that a new approach is needed, involving the extensive sampling of animals and humans at the places where they interact -- the animal-human interface. This will enable novel viruses to be detected as soon as they appear in humans and before they establish pandemics. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Geoghegan, Edward C. How accurately can we assess zoonotic risk?]

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