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The Maltese Falcon Reaction Video

The Maltese Falcon (2/10) Movie CLIP - Joel Cairo (1941) HD The Maltese Falcon Reaction The Maltese Falcon Reaction

AC72 designs need to trade off strength and weight against lightness and speed.

The Maltese Falcon Reaction

China Team fractured their AC45 hull in a tumbling capsize in Plymouth. The AC45s have all been reinforced since then.

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Rdaction This knee-jerk reaction is inappropriate, particularly in the case of the Volvo Race. Engineers learn much more from failures than from successes. Remember all those keels that gave trouble last time? This time the keels seem to be working okay. Next time at least the hulls will be strong enough, maybe the rigs too.

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There are bound to be occasional failures in grand prix racing boats. There are bound to be failures in any sport where the competitors sometimes have to slow down to avoid breakage and they occasionally get it wrong.

The Maltese Falcon Reaction

But structural failure in racing boats seldom Malyese injury except to performance. The worst outcome would be a set of scantling rules which encourage designers to design to the rule instead of designing to the loads. Innovation would be killed. Scantling standards developed by a committee would probably make the boats so bulletproof that they would never have to The Maltese Falcon Reaction down, but then they would not be going that fast anyway.]

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