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The Importance Of The 1856 Election. The Importance Of The 1856 Election

The Importance Of The 1856 Election - what

Presidential election was to see who would be the 16th u. This guide compiles links to digital materials related to the presidential election of that are available throughout the library of congress web site. The republican party won control of the presidency and both houses of congress, making it the fifth party. The south was divided in its choice for a candidate. Presidential election of , american election in which republican abraham lincoln defeated southern democrat john c. Election of the election of did much to increase the inevitability of civil war.

Jackson strongly denied the right of South Carolina to nullify federal law, but the crisis was resolved after Congress passed the Tariff of While Jackson's opponents could not agree on a single presidential candidate, they coordinated in the Senate to oppose Jackson's The Importance Of The 1856 Election.

Though he had not previously been affiliated with the National Republicans, Harrison indicated that he shared the party's concerns over Jackson's executive power and favored federal investments in infrastructure. According to historian Daniel Walker Howethe economic crisis of the late s and early s was the most severe recession in U. With the election of the first Ikportance presidential administration in the party's history, Clay and his allies prepared to pass ambitious domestic policies such as the restoration of the national bank, the distribution of federal land sales revenue to the states, a national bankruptcy law, Electiion increased tariff rates. The annexation of Texas was widely viewed as a pro-slavery initiative as it would add another slave state to the union, and most leaders of both parties opposed opening the question of annexation in due to the fear of stoking the debate over slavery.

The Importance Of The 1856 Election

Tyler was nonetheless determined to pursue annexation because he believed that the British conspired to abolish slavery in Texas [b] and because he saw the issue as a means to reelection, either through the Democratic Party or through a click the following article party.

Calhoun reached a treaty with Texas providing for the annexation of that country. Polk and established a platform calling for the acquisition of both Texas and Oregon Country. Polk Zachary Taylor served in the Mexican-American War and later won the presidential election as the Whig nominee. In the final weeks of Tyler's presidency, a small group of Southern Whigs joined with congressional Democrats to pass a joint resolution providing for the annexation of Texas, and Texas subsequently became a state in Crittenden of Kentucky began to look to General Taylor as a presidential candidate in the hopes that the party could run on Taylor's personal popularity rather than economic issues. Taylor improved on Clay's performance in the South and benefited from the defection of many Democrats to Van Buren in the North.

Meredith issued a report calling for an increase in tariff rates, but not to the levels seen under the Tariff The Importance Of The 1856 Election Winfield Scottthe unsuccessful Whig candidate in the presidential election Taylor died in July and was succeeded by Vice President Fillmore.

The Importance Of The 1856 Election

Meanwhile, Secretary Webster had long coveted the presidency and, though in poor health, planned a final attempt to gain the White House. Fillmore and Webster's supporters were unable to broker a deal to unite behind either candidate, and Scott won the nomination on the 53rd ballot. In Michigan and Wisconsin, these two coalitions labeled themselves as Importqnce Republican Partybut similar groups in other states initially took on different names.

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While the Republican Party almost exclusively appealed to Northerners, the Know-Nothings gathered many adherents in both the North and South; some individuals joined both groups even while they remained part of the Whig Party or the Democratic Party.

Crittenden and other unionist conservatives formed the Constitutional Union Party. Douglasand pro-Southern Democrat John C. Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. HayesChester A. Arthurand Benjamin Harrison were Whigs before switching to the Republican Party, from which they were elected to office. In the long run, the United States adopted Whiggish economic policies coupled with a Democratic strong presidency. Aldrich and John D. Griffin note that the labeling of Whig ideology as conservative is "somewhat [counterintuitive] for those who associate The Importance Of The 1856 Election small role for government rather than a pro-business orientation with conservatism".

Historian John Burt, expanding on Howe's argument, notes that Whigs "saw unmediated expressions of popular will in roughly the same way as they saw unmediated continue reading of appetite]

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