Summary Of Poes The Tell-Tale Heart - Custom Academic Help

Summary Of Poes The Tell-Tale Heart - for council

Summary and Analysis "The Tell-Tale Heart" Summary Even though this is one of Poe's shortest stories, it is nevertheless a profound and, at times, ambiguous investigation of a man's paranoia. The story gains its intensity by the manner in which it portrays how the narrator stalks his victim — as though he were a beast of prey; yet, at the same time, elevated by human intelligence to a higher level of human endeavor, Poe's "murderer" is created into a type of grotesque anomaly. In a sense, the narrator is worse than a beast; only a human being could so completely terrorize his victim before finally killing it, as, for example, the narrator deliberately terrorizes the old man before killing him. And as noted in the introduction to this section, this story shows the narrator's attempt to rationalize his irrational behavior. The story begins with the narrator admitting that he is a "very dreadfully nervous" type. This type is found throughout all of Poe's fiction, particularly in the over-wrought, hyper-sensitive Roderick Usher in "The Fall of the House of Usher. His sensitivities allow him to hear and sense things in heaven, hell, and on earth that other people are not even aware of. His over-sensitivity becomes in this story the ultimate cause of his obsession with the old man's eye, which in turn causes him to murder the old man. Ironically, the narrator offers as proof of his sanity the calmness with which he can narrate the story. The story begins boldly and unexpectedly: "I loved the old man," the narrator says, adding, "He had never wronged me. Summary Of Poes The Tell-Tale Heart Summary Of Poes The Tell-Tale Heart Summary Of Poes The Tell-Tale Heart

The result is a fascinating character study of a narrator who speaks in 19th-century fashion while living in the present day, and who has something weighing heavily on his conscience. The narrator Sonny Grimsley has murdered the long-ailing old man James C. Morris for whom he worked as a caretaker.

The tell tale heart essay topics

He heightens the suspense superbly, intersperses the interrogation scenes with flashbacks of what actually happened — including some intense, gory scenes involving Summary Of Poes The Tell-Tale Heart metal tools from the kitchen and the toolshed — and shows a keen eye for interesting framing and shots.

Grimsley carries the bulk of the short on his shoulders and performs splendidly. He must convey the arrogance of the smarter-than-everyone-else killer, the false charisma of a man trying to appear appealing as he endeavors to cover up his guilty actions, and the raving lunacy of a madman driven to his limits. Grimsley nails each of these elements in fine fashion. Both longtime Poe fans and those new to the classic tale will find plenty to celebrate with this short.]

Summary Of Poes The Tell-Tale Heart

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