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Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction.

In the course of investigating her genealogyGoddard Absttraction to have The Chameleon Couch that her family tree bore a curious and surprising moral Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction.

The book follows the genealogy of Martin Kallikak, Deborah's great-great-great grandfather, a Revolutionary War hero married to a Quaker woman. On his way back from battle the normally morally upright Martin dallied one time with a "feeble-minded" barmaid. He impregnated her and then abandoned her. The young Martin soon reformed and went on with his upright life, becoming a respected New England citizen and father of a large family of prosperous individuals. All of the children that came from this relationship were "wholesome" and had no signs of developmental disabilities. This single child, a male, called Martin Intelligrnce Jr. And so with the Kallikaks, Goddard claims to have discovered, one has as close as one could imagine an experiment in the hereditability of intelligence, moral ability, and criminality.

Laurence A. Moran

Guold On the "feeble-minded" side of the Kallikak Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction, descended from the abandoned single-parent barmaid, the children wound up poor, mentally ill, delinquent, and intellectually disabled. Deborah was, in Goddard's assessment, "feeble-minded": a catch-all early 20th century term to describe various forms of intellectual or learning disabilities. Goddard was interested in Gold heritability of read article often wrote of the invisible threat of recessive "feeble-minded" genes carried by otherwise healthy and intelligent looking members of the population Mendel's laws had only been rediscovered a decade before; Goddard's genetic shorthand was, in its day, considered to be on par with cutting-edge science.

It was in tracing the family history of Deborah that Goddard and his assistants discovered that Deborah's family of drunks and criminals was related—through Martin Kallikak—to another family tree of economy and prosperity. A set of Kallikak children on the "feeble-minded" side of the family On the "normal" side of the Kallikak family tree, the children Martin had with his wife and their descendants all ended up prosperous, intelligent, and morally upstanding. They were lawyers, ministers, and doctors.

Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction

None were "feeble-minded". Goddard concluded from this that intelligence, sanity, and morality were hereditaryand every effort should be undertaken to keep the 'feeble-minded' from procreating, with the overall goal of potentially ending 'feeble-mindedness' and its accompanying traits.

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The damage from even one dalliance between a young man and a "feeble-minded" woman could create generations and generations worth of crime and poverty, with its members eventually living off the generosity of the state and consequently taxpayersGoddard argued. His Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction contains intricately constructed family trees, showing near-perfect Mendelian ratios in the inheritance of negative and positive traits. Goddard recommended segregating them in institutions, where they would be taught how to work various forms of menial labor. Present-day evaluation[ edit ] Two Kallikaks. It is possible that the boy was born with Down SyndromeIbtelligence former name of the syndrome being mongolism. In its day, The Kallikak Family was a tremendous success and went through multiple printings. It helped propel Goddard to the status of one of the nation's top experts in using psychology in policy, and along with the work of Charles B.

Davenport and Madison Grant is considered one of the canonical works of early 20th-century American eugenics. Census records of show that all the adults in Intelligenec household which included Wolverton, one daughter, and several grandchildren were able to read.

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The "bad" side of the Kallikak family included poor farmers but also school teachers, an Army Air Corps pilot, and a bank treasurer. A detail of faces from the book— Stephen Jay Gould alleged that Goddard had doctored them to make them look more sinister. Another perspective has been offered that the Kallikaks almost certainly had undiagnosed fetal alcohol syndrome.

Alteration of photographs[ edit ] The paleontologist and science writer Stephen Jay Gould advanced the view that Goddard—or someone working with him—had retouched the photographs used in his book in order to make the "bad" Kallikaks appear more menacing. In older editions of the books, Gould said, it has become clearly evident that someone has drawn in darker, crazier looking eyes and menacing faces on the children and adults in the pictures. Gould argues that photographic reproduction in books was still then a very new art, and Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction audiences would not have been as keenly aware of photographic retouching, even on such a crude level. The 14 photos were subsequently studied further to show the nature of the retouching and subsequent use to help make Goddard's points.

Stephen Jay Gould Intelligence Is An Abstraction

Gokld, however, has claimed that retouching of faces of the sort which is apparent in Goddard's work was a common procedure at the time, in order to avoid a "washed out" look which was common to early photographic printing methods poor halftones. Modern research indicates that there is nothing accurate about the descriptions offered here.]

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