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Social Consequences Of Industrialization. Social Consequences Of Industrialization

Schwarz The Hanseatic League was a commercial and defensive alliance of the merchant guilds of towns and cities in northern and central Europe, that dominated marine in the Baltic Seathe North Sea and along the connected navigable rivers during the Late Middle Ages 12th to Social Consequences Of Industrialization centuries. Each of the affiliated cities retained the legal system of its sovereign and, with the exception of the Free imperial citieshad only a limited degree of political autonomy. Important centers of commerce within the empire, such as Cologne on the Visit web page river and Bremen on the North Sea joined the union, which resulted in greater diplomatic esteem.

By the late 14th century the powerful league enforced its interests Social Consequences Of Industrialization military means, if necessary. Industrializwtion culminated in a war with the sovereign Kingdom of Denmark from to The league declined after due to a number of factors, such as the 15th-century crisisthe territorial lords' shifting policies towards greater commercial control, the silver crisis and marginalization in the wider Eurasian trade network, among others.

Minority groups, Oc Jews in particular were blamed, singled out and attacked. As a consequence, many Jews fled and resettled in Eastern Europe.

Social Consequences Of Industrialization

The death of large parts of popilation caused a major collapse of the labour force. Human power became a rare commodity and the social and economic situation of average workers improved for several decades as employers were forced Soical pay higher wages. The rise of the cities and the emergence of the new burgher class Social Consequences Of Industrialization the societal, legal and economic order of feudalism. As financiers to both the leading ecclesiastical and secular rulers, the Fuggers fundamentally influenced the political affairs in the empire during the 15th and 16th century.

The knightly classes had traditionally established their monopoly through warfare and military skill.

The Era Of Industrial Revolution

However, the shift to practical mercenary infantry armies and military-technical advances led to a marginalization of heavy cavalry. As a consequence Germany's society remained stagnant as its economy played only a secondary role with limited access to international markets and resources, while in France, Britain and the Netherlands, worldwide trade Industriialization colonial greatly empowered mercantile and industrial groups and led to the rise of a bourgeoisiewho was able to benefit from the new economic opportunities.

Social Consequences Of Industrialization

The fighting often was out of control, with marauding bands of hundreds or thousands of starving soldiers spreading plague, plunder, and murder. The armies that were under control moved back and forth across the countryside year after year, levying heavy taxes on cities, and Industriwlization the animals and food stocks of the peasants without payment.

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The enormous social disruption over three decades caused a dramatic decline in population because of killings, disease, crop failures, declining birth rates and random destruction, and the emigration of terrified people. It took generations for Germany to fully recover. At that time, Germany probably had reached its pre-war population though this is disputed. Then, there was a period Social Consequences Of Industrialization steady though quite slow growth to the s. Afterward came a period of rapid but not exceptional economic expansion, that mainly occurred in the great states in the east Austria, Saxony, Prussia rather than in the small states of central or south Germany.

Across Germany and especially in the east, they were serfs who were bound permanently to parcels of land.

Conclusion On Oceanography

Within the family, the patriarch made all the decisions, and tried to arrange advantageous marriages for his children. Much of the villages' communal life centered around church services and holy days.

Social Consequences Of Industrialization

In Prussiathe peasants drew lots to choose conscription required by the army. The noblemen handled external relationships and politics for the villages under their control, and were not typically involved in daily activities or decisions. Prussia abolished serfdom with the October Edict ofwhich upgraded the personal legal status of the peasantry and gave them the chance to purchase for cash part of the lands they were working. They could also sell the land they already owned.]

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