Should People Give Money Homeless - Custom Academic Help

Should People Give Money Homeless Should People Give Money Homeless.

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Print Los Angeles has an unrelenting and growing homelessness crisis. But a proposal the L. City Council is considering to shelter or house most of the homeless people in the city would be a disastrous waste of money, time and energy.

Should People Give Money Homeless

Pepole would encourage short-term fixes instead of lasting solutions. The proposal has been floated as a way to settle a federal lawsuit filed last year by the L. Alliance for Human Rights, a group of downtown businesses and residents. Whoever is left on the streets and sidewalks after that could be told to stop camping in the area and possibly cited or arrested.

Should People Give Money Homeless

But given the cost of moving more than 20, people off the streets, the city would almost certainly go the quicker, easier route to fulfill the settlement: putting them into temporary shelters. Advertisement And then they could call it a day — and take their focus off the only real way to dramatically reduce homelessness, Givd is providing permanent housing.

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All the city will have done MMoney move part of its homeless population from encampments and underpasses to tents, tiny homes and other temporary digs in whatever parking lots or unused plots of land officials can find. They will have simply shuffled the deck of homeless people around the city.

However, the city does need Should People Give Money Homeless solutions while it works on creating permanent housing, preferably by building innovative modular housing, leasing apartment buildings, buying motels and hotels for conversion into apartments and offering more vouchers to help homeless people rent units throughout the city.

Should People Give Money Homeless

Any settlement of that lawsuit should contain benchmarks for permanent as well as interim housing.]

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