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Does Virtual Reality Exist I remember a time where virtual reality didn 't exist and the most we had was 3D, a time when people drove themselves. A time where I taught myself how to rollerblade, and with a fearless attitude I felt the world was mine to conquer. The energetic and skirmish seven year old child in me was always coming up with new and better ways to defy the odds and break barriers. At the time, I lived in a small blue house located at the bottom of a slope on the corner of Texas Street and Madison Avenue in…. Scuderia Ferrari Essays Scuderia Ferrari Essays

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Education[ edit ] Valenti holds an M. He has more than 20 years of professional experience on mass consumer products, automotive, motorsport and retail and has held senior level positions at ElectroluxFerrariMaseratiSnap-on and Red Bull. During Ferrri career he has done many university lectures on business and sport related topics including organization development, communication, team building and team performance. Just after graduation, in October he joined Electrolux working for white hold appliances European Division and Scuderia Ferrari Essays projects on Scudetia changes, lean production, team building and team performance improvement. Otello Valenti played a key role in the Maserati Project guaranteeing the recruiting of talented people fit for the challenge and developing an effective and flexible Scuderia Ferrari Essays in a very short timeframe.

Inhe moved to the Ferrari GT Division as HR Manager for the Technical Direction and Operation Direction, contributing to develop a new organization for both areas more fit with the company targets.

Scuderia Ferrari Essays

During his period with Ferrari GT, the Company moved to a higher level of performance achieving its best results in economic terms and in terms of organization performance. Years as Snap-on Equipment Europe executive[ edit ] In NovemberValenti joined Snap-on Equipment Europe as HR Director Scuderia Ferrari Essays link the mission of integrating the different companies that were bought by the US based multinational, supporting the development of a common culture, improving the performance, streamlining the organization while hiring and developing talents.

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The global economic crisis hit the world equipment market in a heavy way at the beginning ofbut Snap-on Equipment Europe was able to manage the situation in a very effective way. With a big work on organization performance focusing on effectiveness and efficiency at a European level, Valenti contributed to help the Division to achieve its economic targets, to streamline the company organization while continuing to strengthen the company capabilities for the following years. Since his arrival in STR, he has contributed to the team development working on the organization of the team and the quality of the team members, managing an important staffing process, introducing a performance development approach, recruiting several key-people and developing the young talents within the team. In and he has played a key role on Toro Scuderia Ferrari Essays side for the development of the Red Bull on Stage project. Intogether with Professor Enrico Mascilli Migliorini and Professor Lella Mazzoli, he published the book "Le voci di dentro" Voices from inside [4] which talks about new ways of organizing teams and companies with focus on communication processes and leadership method aimed at improving team performance.

In he published the essay "La sostenibile leggerezza delle reti. Cambiamento strutturale e cambiamento culturale nelle organizzazioni complesse" The Scuderia Ferrari Essays Lightness of the Click to see more. Structural Change and Cultural Change in Complex Organizations [5] which talks Scuderia Ferrari Essays the approach to change management in complex organizations and how to lead it to success.]

Scuderia Ferrari Essays

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