Religion In The Iranian Revolution - Custom Academic Help

Religion In The Iranian Revolution - opinion you

Apr 18, by Jeff Jacoby But true believers are everywhere. For more than six decades, church membership in America was quite high: It was 73 percent in , and remained in the low 70s for the rest of the century. But beginning around , the number of Americans belonging to a house of worship went into a nosedive. Gallup reported last month that church membership had sunk to just 47 percent. For the first time ever, only a minority of American adults are affiliated with a church. Religion In The Iranian Revolution Religion In The Iranian Revolution

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Iran's Revolutions: Crash Course World History 226

In fact, it is an evil that has persisted for decades.

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The Iranian Constitution claims freedom of religion for the three non-Muslim groups of Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians. However, this is mostly a nominal freedom since many non-Muslims are persecuted every year.

Religion In The Iranian Revolution

Christians face both violent and nonviolent forms of discrimination inside Iran, ranging from prohibitions against intermarriage with Muslims to arrests, imprisonments, or even executions. Yet even in the face of persecution, Christianity continues to thrive, and the evangelical Christian population is growing nearly 20 percent each year.

InIranian-born American Pastor Saeed Abidini was arrested and has been unlawfully detained by Repigion Iranian government ever since, and the United States has led other nations in demanding his release. Many other Christians face daily persecution with little to no interest from the free world.

Religion In The Iranian Revolution

For its part, the Iranian government has denied that religious freedom violations are occurring, claiming that recent US reports such as the International Religious Freedom Report are deceptive sources attempting to accomplish the political end of creating strife within the Iranian state. In the first days of the US congressional review period following the end of negotiations, critics of the Iran deal highlighted a continued lack of accountability for human rights violations, including religious persecution.

As concerns for both national and global security eclipsed the human rights question, Western engagement with religious persecution in Iran did and has continued to decline. The nuclear deal is likely to strengthen Iran both financially and diplomatically.

Religion In The Iranian Revolution

The lifting of sanctions now will allow the influx of billions of dollars into the Iranian economy, and the internationally community has indicated a general sense of peace and understanding towards the Iranian regime. Despite the financial and diplomatic victories they stand to gain, Iran has already engaged in activities raising serious questions. More pertinent to the condition of religious minorities such as Iranian Christians, Religion In The Iranian Revolution agreement allows for a greater degree of permissiveness in regards to religious persecution. How can global faith communities engage with the religious persecution of their brothers and sisters inside Iran? First of all, they should pray for an end to religious persecution in Iran. Pray for the hundreds held captive, tortured, and condemned to death by the regime. Pray also for her marriage and children since she admitted just last week to chronic spousal abuse from her husband.

Pray too for the persecutors — the prison guards, government officials, and religious leaders — that they would have a change of heart and cease harming believers inside Iran. Pray for wise responses from the Religion In The Iranian Revolution of the free world, responses that hold Iran accountable while causing minimal increases in danger to Essay On Same Marriage minorities. Pray that the young people of Iran, whose political engagement and ideological leaning could radically transform Iranian policy in the coming decades, will be given wisdom to understand the ways of peace, justice, and forgiveness towards their brothers and sisters. Second, faith communities should speak out by informing others of the religious oppression still present within Iran.

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They should also write to their elected officials at the local, state, and federal level asking them to engage the Iranian government on this issue. The people of God have the ability and indeed the duty to speak out for the vulnerable and the oppressed, and now is the time.

With a unified engagement of Christians on both a spiritual and a political level, real change can take place inside Iran.]

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