Reflection Paper On The Biblical Letter To Philippians - Custom Academic Help

Reflection Paper On The Biblical Letter To Philippians Video

Reflection Paper On The Biblical Letter To Philippians Reflection Paper On The Biblical Letter To Philippians Reflection Paper On The Biblical Letter To Philippians

And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit that he has given us. Instead, the polls say that we Christians are better known for narrowness, hypocrisy, nationalism, bigotry, etc. There are Christians who are loving, compassionate, open-minded, gracious. According to John, Jesus expressed his love for others by laying down his life for us. As Mr. Death is not the only way we can lay down our lives for others.


What John wants us to hear is that to love is to concern ourselves with the needs of others. So, if we see someone in need, then love requires us to act. That is because love is more than words and feelings. As John puts it, love involves truth and actions. Love has something to do with truth and with action.

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When it comes to truth, we seem to be living in a post-truth era. This is especially true for parts of the Christian community. Unfortunately, this can have deadly ramifications, as we are seeing now with the anti-mask and anti-vax movements that have taken root within parts of the Christian community. As a result, the pandemic has spread nO widely and more people die as a result—all in the name of faith.

Reflection Paper On The Biblical Letter To Philippians

Love involves truth not alternative facts or conspiracy theories. It also involves actions.

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As they way actions speak louder than words. Love is more than words; it involves investing our lives in the lives of others. So, for instance, I may not enjoy wearing a mask, but I wear it not only because it might protect me, but it also protects my neighbor, whom I called by God to love Lev.

What John says here about love parallels what James says about faith. That is because James believes Reflecion without works is dead James ]

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