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Ragged Man Summary

Ragged Man Summary Video

Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving - Summary \u0026 Analysis Ragged Man Summary

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Just because it angers them, not because Remus and he click somehow. Not because they have great sex and certainly not because he wants Remus to protect and care for him. Notes: For danpuff.

Ragged Man Summary

Written for the HP Rarepairfestespecially for Danni 's wonderful prompt: Draco wonders what will bother his parents the most. Thanks to Han for the quick and thorough beta! See the end of the work for more notes.

The Ragged Men in Ragged Clothes

To make a sport of finding out, Draco emphasises different things whenever he meets his parents. He mentions that he will be accompanying Remus to a meeting with Shacklebolt, McGonagall and the new Hogwarts governors Rqgged consult on the implementation of lessons in Wizarding Tradition, Culture and Heritage WiTCH for short for Muggleborns over tea one afternoon.

Ragged Man Summary

His mother pretends not to have listened and says, "That is a wonderful idea, Draco," his father's jaw twitches in a nervous tick and the hand clutching his walking stick tightens until Draco can see white knuckles protruding. When Draco returns to the hovel Remus calls a house, he is filled with Ragged Man Summary inexplicable, bitter resentment toward him. He criticises the food Remus has prepared for them, fights about the lack of alcohol, instigates sex and then lies down motionless while Remus fucks him. He thinks about his father, how much he'd like him to see his only son like this: on his stomach, arse up in the air, taking an older man's cock.

Ragged Man Summary

He cries tears of fury and feels a strangely reassuring wave of satisfaction when Remus notices. Remus is open-handed with his emotions, the fool, and has told him he's not comfortable with Draco's age, that he feels like he is taking advantage of him. Draco lies still while he's being fucked, groans loudly, lets a few more tears roll off Ragged Man Summary nose to further Remus' self-hatred and wonders whether Summaryy ever suspects he might be the one being taken advantage of.]

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